~Chapter 3~

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Previously on Nightmare.

Candace is able to make her way back to the tunnel, blocking the only possible exit to the sewer. David turns into a walker and Candace has to put a bullet in his head as he attacks with a couple other walkers.

~Chapter 3~

"Candace we've been walking for hours. I'm starting to think that was the only exit." Jess whined.

I understood what she was going through. We had indeed been walking for hours. She had every right to complain.

But I wasn't listening somehow. Recaps of what happened a few meters ago flashed through my head. I put a bullet through my boyfriend's head.

"Did you hear what I said cand......"

"I did Jess!" I interrupted her question.
"We have to keep moving!" I continued.
"To where exactly?" She asked, looking at me with a look of stress.

"You'll know once we get there Jess!!" I raised at her. Her eyes widened with shock.

"Look, I'm sorry. It's just my mind is so messed up and I don't know what to do, which way to go, I'm just so tired." I explained, trying to touch her shoulder.

"I understand." She replied, escaping my hand. Obviously she was mad at me. But I couldn't blame her. I pushed her too hard.

"Jess cmon. At least listen to me." I pleaded. She still wouldn't look me in the eye.

"Look I know how hard this is for you. And I understand I've been pushing you a little too hard." She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Okay too hard." I quickly changed my words. " I got obsessed over Loosing David that I didn't even realize what I still had left. I'm sorry jess." I completed.

She went quiet for a while. I still had my worried and sad eyes, fixed on hers. Looking up and down at her eyes and lips, expecting her to say something.

She eventually turned to look at me. The look she had on was one of forgiveness.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about it. You're forgiven." She assured.

"You know, this is the first time you've forgiven me over an issue without having to sleep it off first."

"Want me to regret it?"

"I'll take my chances." I giggled.

"Come here you" She said with open arms. I went in for the hug. We stood hugging and giggling.

"Candace I see something!" She suddenly interrupted the hugging session.

"What is it!" I asked, quickly taking out my pistol. I aimed it a the empty shallow darkness. The part of the sewer we were in was curved. There seemed to be light emanating from somewhere in there.

The lights around us were twitching and others were off.

"Some sorta light." She said. "You think there's someone else down here?" She asked.

"I don't know. There's only one way to find out."

My gun was aimed at nothing but emptiness. I walked forward slowly and Jess followed closely behind me.

I turned to look back every now and then.

"Can you hear that?" Jess asked.

I listened to the silence. I didn't really know what I was listening to. But I strained to pick up something.

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