~Chapter 22~

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Previously on Nightmare

Candace together with Nora and Moira finally find the location of Boscorp although it feels weird how it ended up here all the way from New York.
Once inside, they meet up with Chloe and Moira. It's a happy reunion at first but breaks into the normal quarrels. As everything dies down, as usual. Hell breaks loose.

~Chapter 22~

With my heart pounding and racing quicker than the pace of my feet, i run, following Chloe and the others into the dark, with my gladius ready at my side.  The yellow glow light i had given to Chloe had cast a dim yellow glow ahead. Although i couldn't really see them, i just followed the light.

The ground shook beneath my feet as i ran. The walkers had gotten closer. If they were to catch up, that would be it for me. All i could wish in that case was that they did their very best to save the last of mankind that still remained on earth. Themselves.

I could feel my speed falling and my legs failing. I had no ounce of energy left. It had all been squeezed out of my system days before. Of course, all hell that i had been through was starting to become evident. I fought through it all with so much strength that, now i had none left. 

The walkers had finally made it to the entrance of Boscorp and poured through the gates in Pursuit of their limited meal.

Moira noticed me falling back and her heart could not leave me behind.

"Jess take Nora and run" she said and turned back, heading for me.  Grabbing Nora by the hand, Jess scooped her up and run with her, following Chloe's lead.

The walkers were gaining and fast. The first few that had managed to get through the gate out of the large number wasted no time in catching up. I could hear their footsteps behind me.
Realizing this, i held on firm to the gladius and performed one sharp round swing in the head area of the first walker, slashing its head off the rest of its body. It's slimy blood gushed out of its body as it fell backwards to the cold tiled floor.

Two more were advancing towards me. I immediately aimed and fired two quick shots that penetrated their heads.

My whole body felt weak and i could hardly lift myself up.

My legs failed to hold me and i dropped to the ground. This made the walkers move more aggressively. Dinner was going to be easy. I could see them approach with such aggressiveness yet i could do nothing about it. I couldn't kill them all. I closed my eyes to accept my fate. The walkers could already taste my flesh.

Just then, Moira showed up behind me, spraying bullets in every direction. She tore down the walkers in heaps.
About fifteen of them had been wasted the moment she got there.

Standing me up to my feet and supporting me by wrapping my shoulder around her neck, she continued to spray bullets at them until she had some space to look for a way out.

She placed the gun in its holster and stashed her hand in her utility belt, bringing out a smoke grenade. She pulled the key with her teeth and threw it towards the next wave of incoming walkers. BOOM!!! The grenade went off, leaving the hallway with Blind walkers as she dragged me along way faster not to get caught.

We had not made it to the others yet but somehow we had escaped. Chloe and the Jessica were long gone now.

Kicking open the door to the infirmary, Moira walked into the infirmary and sat me by the wall. She quickly went to shut the door and barred it with some of the heavy machines the infirmary had. Of course it wasn't gonna hold if the walkers were to come our way, but at least it was going to save us some time to get a head start if things were to get messy.

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