~Chapter 6~

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Previously on NIGHTMARE

Saved by total strangers, Candace wakes up from her deep sleep to confront what she finds as threatening.

After being sure she's safe, it's revealed there is a cure somewhere in Boscorp.
The menace behind everything is revealed as Doctor James McLaren.

~Chapter 6~

"Now this, is what I call sweet." I exclaimed as I entered the armory. It was a wide section of the block that was reserved for keeping all the bad ass weapons.

There was every kind of weapon, Ranging from Rocket launchers to pistols and they were arranged in order of type on the wall. I knew guns so very well. What more was to expect, i'm the daughter of a dead cop.

"Where'd you get all these stuff?" I asked Moira who was obviously in charge of defense.

"From the military. They are of no use to dead soldiers. So we just decided to make use of them." She explained.

Her last words killed the slowly rising happiness that was beginning to rise in me upon hearing the military.

"You've got all these and pulled haven't been able to fight your way outta here?" I asked.

"It's not as easy as it looks. I mean we could try but it's way too much of a risk. However, it's all Chloe's call."

"You talked to her about it?"

"We haven't. We know what her answer is gonna be." She replied.

I looked amongst the shotguns and spotted a Desert Eagle.

I instantly grabbed two of them. Weighing and admiring with a big smirk on my face.

"You like?" Moira asked, seeing the expression on my face.

"I like." I confirmed. Well equip yourself then.

"I took off my gun holster and replaced it with a double one I found on one of the shelves.

I slipped both guns in. It felt good.

"They like you." She remarked. "Cmon lets get you suited up." She said leading me through another metal door.

"What about Jess? I asked."

"She'll have her turn." She flatly said.

We entered another chamber of the armory. The walls were white and so was the light, giving the room the white glow.

There were dummies dressed in outfits, more like the ones the others wore.

There was about seven dummies, all with different getups. They looked rather ravishing I must say.

I admired them all.

"Go ahead. Make a choice." Moira said with a sweet smile.

"I dunno. They all look damn good." I replied, fixing my eyes on the collection.

I scanned through them quickly and carefully. I didn't know which to choose.

"I think I'll leave you to do your own thing. Let's see how well you can pull off a fashion sense. I'll be waiting outside." At this words, she gave a smirk and stepped out the door into the weapons room, to await me.

A few minutes later, I walked out of the outfit room in a tight black jumpsuit. According to Moira, it worked like a bullet proof vest only, it was much much lighter and twice stronger.

Below, I wore a pair of boots that rose up right below my knee.

On my waist was a belt to keep all those tiny tools and weapons I might need.

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