Chapter 34: The key to progress

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The group consisting of Luna, Alexei, Vincent and the three pirates soon found themselves outside the BBT mansion. It was the second time for Luna that day but she found it to be urgent, if only so she could satiate her curiosity sooner.

The pirates stared in awe at the big mansion in front of them, and even Alexei couldn't help but look around. Despite growing up in South Kerilia and fairly close to there, he'd rarely entered the building. Luna soon considered the group to have stared enough and was about to shove Alexei's back just as Frey exited the stables further away. He squinted at the group.

"Luna?" He quickened his pace as he got a closer look at the group. "You're not planning on going inside with..." He gave the pirates a skeptical look. "... Them, I hope?"

"I beg your pardon?" Roya folded her arms.

Zamora looked amused, as if the bratty boy in front of him was nothing more than a tiny, uppity dog.

Gabriel only looked at the sky with his usual solemn expression.

"Why not?" Luna wanted to know. "Nothing wrong with them, is there?"

"I don't even know who they are, so neither would Damien," Frey continued with a patronizing smile. "We can't let just anyone into the mansion."

Luna tilted her head at the pirates in thought.

"Because of their... Attire?"

It wasn't that the pirates were especially tattered looking. In fact they each had a certain sense of style, even if it seemed unconventional to modern fashion.

Frey arched an eyebrow as he followed Luna's gaze.

"While their attires could use some... Polishing to say the very least, it's not so much about that. Damien wouldn't want them inside his mansion because of their, well... Status. Or lack thereof."

Luna's lip curled at the rudeness. Honestly though, what was she expecting from the fanciest of lords?

"Listen, just because they're pirates it doesn't mean they have to be without status."

Frey's expression hardly changed, but Luna was fairly sure she could recognize a hint of a 'Oh, young Lady Hargreaves, what are you thinking?' thought going through his head at the moment. Still, he straightened his back and exhaled sharply.

"Well, I think that settles that. They can wait outside."


"It's hardly negotiable."

"Don't interrupt me," Luna hissed back. "They're with me, so either we all go or no one goes."

Frey shrugged.

"Well then... I guess no one goes."

"And are you going to stop us, pretty boy?" Zamora stepped forward to stare Frey down.

The latter stared back without changing his expression.

"I don't generally like being touched by commoners," Frey finally said, allowing a brief, contemptuous smile on his lips. "So no, I wouldn't physically try to stop you, but out of sheer kindness I'm advising young Lady Hargreaves not to bring her company into this mansion, unless they want town guards on their tails.

Frey couldn't back away before Zamora grabbed his cravat and pulled him close to his face, raising his other balled fist in preparation.

"Oh, you want to make threats now? Well, let us see—"

"All right, let's not resort to violence shall we, Captain?" Luna hurriedly placed an awkward hand on Zamora's shoulder. "We'll just... Uh, perhaps you three could have a look around town while Vincent and Alexei and I go inside?"

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