Chapter 53: More like each other

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Luna awkwardly rubbed her arm as she walked up the cobblestone street to reach the town square. She glanced over at Shyen, who walked in silence for once. He didn't have any emotions connected to Noah's state other than it harming Luna, but the silence was odd, even for him.

"You know you don't have to keep me company," she said, voice barely audible as she still silently wished he would.

"Well, it's almost night time again." Shyen looked around. "Better look out so no vampires come after you."

Luna tried to smile.

"And what would you do if they did? Charm them?"

"Maybe." Shyen smiled back. "But I get what you're saying. Still, I don't like the idea of letting you go home in the dark alone. And I may not be as good at protection as..." He suddenly trailed off, and Luna cocked an eyebrow. His mouth opened and closed as if he hesitated to speak. "... Uh, I've actually been meaning to ask... Have you run into your bodyguard lately?"

Luna looked down at her skirts. She hadn't seen Vincent ever since they'd yelled at each other. She wasn't sure she wanted to. Perhaps she owed him an apology, but it wasn't as though he'd treated her very nicely either.

"No," she said. "I've been more or less shut in for months, so I haven't met a lot of people at all."

"Oh. Yeah, of course." Shyen seemed to brighten up and drop the subject immediately.

"Besides, I actually think vampires are trying to steer clear of me. Probably because of the reputation concerning the people I'm around," she said, letting out a light chuckle. "And I think werewolves—"

She interrupted herself as they turned the corner to the street of her house and met a couple of men on their way from there. While being terrible at remembering faces, the emblems indicated they were BBT members. Probably the ones Anthony had returned with, as she really had no idea who they were.

What bothered her most though was their blood stained clothes, and she didn't even bother greeting them back as they passed by. She only looked at Shyen, who met her gaze with an equally concerned expression and they both rushed up to the door.

Chaos reigned as they entered the Cromwell residence. The servants were running back and forth to fetch sheets and buckets of water. Luna tried focusing on one of them to ask what was going on, but no one noticed her presence.

A strong, unexpected scent of smoke choked the air, but Luna could spot no fires. Had the source been the fireplace, she would have seen said smoke as well.

Lucius soon appeared in the doorway to the dining room to yell out orders.

"Gerard, get my medical kit!" He turned around. "And Anthony, you go get Tom, now!"

"Father?" Luna asked as Anthony rushed past her and Shyen through the door.

Lucius finally looked at her, but he didn't say anything, she couldn't tell if he was happy to see her. It actually seemed like the opposite. He didn't even seem to acknowledge Shyen being there. Instead he turned around to go back into the dining hall.

"Danielle!" he yelled. "A pair of scissors!"

Luna's stomach sank, and she didn't bother taking off her shoes before going after him. It couldn't be. He couldn't have gotten out.

All air left her lungs as she entered the dining room.

Noah's unconscious body had been placed on the side on top of the dining table with a sheet underneath him.

Tears filled her eyes and she tried to catch her breath again, but she simply couldn't. Her knees buckled, and she reached for the door frame to get support.

Daydreams And Nightshade (DaN #1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora