Chapter One

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Chapter One

Annie and Pinkie have been friends since their childhood. Fred was a boy from their neighborhood who went to the same school as Annie and Pinkie since kindergarten. The two girls were inseparable and Fred used to play hide-and-seek with them during recess and share his snacks with them. It was the three of them always. Annie was calm and often used to gaze around with her eyes lost. Pinkie figured Annie was watching butterflies and trying to follow them with her eyes, while they got smaller as they flew away in the distance and then were too far ahead for the human-eye to follow, invisible.

Pinkie admired her best friend but she was different from her in so many ways. Pinkie liked climbing trees and cliffs at the seashore, near their houses. Fred used to collect seashells in the sand and give them to Annie. Pinkie jumped down a high rock and ran down to Fred as fast as she could and held his hands.

"You are collecting shells again for Annie? Last time she left then at my house and mummy was pissed she said that shells bring sand home and it makes the house dirty. Should we go for a swim in the water, Fred?"She said.

"Pinkie, I'm sorry I didn't know that Annie didn't take the shells home, usually she does something beautiful with them with her mum. I don't want to swim today." Fred said.

Annie was listening to them the whole time, and silently put her feet in the water and turned her head saying "You two sound funny talking and Pinkie please don't jump down that cliff again like you just did, it's dangerous. "

"It was really fun and I like it, you should climb up once and then jump, it's great."Pinkie answered laughing.

"Sorry about leaving the shells your at house lately, I didn't know your mum would be angry about it. My mum is very sad lately and hardly says a thing."Annie sighed.

"What happened?"Fred intervened.

"Mum and dad had yelled at each other and dad drove away and hasn't come back yet." Annie answered.

"That's why mummy's been asking me if you were alright." Pinkie said irritated.

"He'll sure come back soon." Fred said annoyed.

"And, if not?" Pinkie said mockingly.

"Don't say that!"Annie said pissed. Fred was throwing the shells into the water and stood up and started walking away.

"Where are you going?"Pinkie asked surprised.

"Home. Billie is coming over with his mum and he promised to lend me the Play-Station for a while. See you in school tomorrow." Fred answered.

Billie was Fred's friend and the son of his father's cousin. He went to the same school as Annie and Pinkie and attended the same class. Third grade as they were all 9 years old. Annie and Pinkie never really liked Billie. He was a typical boy of his age, playing football, bragging about the games he played on his Play-Station, collecting insects and frogs and throwing them on the girls along with the other boys. Fred wasn't like that, he was helping his mum a lot and was always helpful to everyone, and he didn't understand why boys collected insects and said rude things and told yucky stories. Still he visited Billie on the weekends and liked listening to ghost stories.

It seems as if Fred and Billie were best friends whenever they visited each other. Fred was always calm Billie sometimes mocked him"Have you been hanging out with those two dolls again Fred?"He would say.

Fred would answer "You mean Annie and Pinkie. They are not dolls, I like hanging around with them at the beach after school."

"Ok, whatever. It's just Manson called you a faggot today."Billie grinned.

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