Chapter Thirty-One

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Malakai 'Kai' - Lex's gamma

Sebastian 'Bas' - Lex's delta

"So what's it like to have a mate?" His gamma Kai asked.

Lex paused to look at him for a minute then went back to mowing the lawn. "You've heard that answer a thousand times," he dismissed.

"Yeah, but hearing stories and reading about it is not the same as firsthand info." Kai persisted.

"Doesn't change the fact that it's just like everyone says."

"What our esteemed alpha is trying to say is he can't answer you without sounding like a twelve year old girl experiencing her first crush." His delta put in.

Lex glared at the wide, idiotic grin Bas had on and wanted to carve his face in with his fists. The worst part, he was right, Lex couldn't explain it without sounding like a love struck idiot.

"Don't you have something better to do?" He demanded.

"No." They said in unison.

Lex stood back up. "I'll mindlink my dad and tell him you're volunteering for anything he can come up with."

"Harsh bro." Kai quipped, his relaxed posture showing he knew how empty the threat was.

Though Lex wasn't in the mood for company, he knew better than to come right out and say it. He had a lot to think about and pushing a lawnmower gave him room for that. If only these clowns would leave him be.

Realizing the pause in the conversation had turned a bit awkward he looked back at Bas to see a hesitant look on his face. Kai wouldn't meet his eyes, which was more telling than Bas' unease.

His gamma had a tendency to be bold, forthright. Since Kai had started by asking about his mate, chances were whatever they had to say was about Nia. He knew they'd know more about what the pack thought of Nia, things pack members would never say to his face.

"Just spill it." He sighed. Much as he didn't want to hear any negativity about Nia he needed to know where she stood. "I promise I won't jump down your throats."

"Yeah, well, we don't really know your mate so..." Kai replied, his hesitance evident.

"She's not really comfortable around males." Lex stated.

"We know, and that's understandable given her situation. But before yesterday everybody agreed on not liking her," as he said that Kai took an involuntary step back before he realized it and stood his ground. As if Lex hadn't promised not to attack him.

"The guys because she was standoffish," he continued. "And since Leo was against her, the girls followed her lead. Now we're all kinda afraid of her."

Lex frowned at the last thing he'd ever expected. "Why would you be afraid of her? Nia would never hurt anybody, she's a healer for crying out loud."

"Why would we be afraid of her?" Bas was incredulous. "She ordered a god around as if he were a five year old and he didn't blast her out of existence, for one. Two, I've never felt anything like I did when she ordered him to stop. I mean, I know the power of an alpha command and that was nothing like it. And when she did whatever she did to Santiago? Every one of us felt the presence of our mates."


"Nobody has ever been able to feel for someone's mate Lex," Kai put in with a worried face. "Not even the ancient healers. And she did it for all of us, but we were just collateral."

A Healer's Pain: Celestial Wolves Book 1✔Where stories live. Discover now