Chapter Forty-Nine

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It all happened so fast

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It all happened so fast. Too fast for anyone to do anything even though they had been alert for trouble. Well, as alert as they could be with all the emotions running on high. He'd fought against the intrusion of so many minds, the distress they projected.

While all his siblings were empaths, the type of emotions that were drawn to them from others were different. Mostly, Nia felt any feelings that resulted from sickness, be it that person's or a loved one. Ben felt all negative emotions whilst Lola seemed to feel those associated with missed opportunities, regret and even when people took a path not intended. Rya though was still an enigma but Cade felt any and all mental anguish.

They could still feel the whole range, but they seemed to have specific emotions they were more sensitive to. Through all their struggles with trying to balance other people's emotions Nia had been their shield. Now... Cade struggled to hold himself upright as the crowd seemed to push in on him. He could also sense his other sibling's distress. They really needed to find a way to shield themselves without Nia but their mother had told them they wouldn't be able to do that until they reached their first majority.

As the fight started, he'd tried to focus, to see what fate would befall them. Even though Umbran hadn't said, Cade knew he and his siblings would eventually be trapped in the dark realm if Nia ended up there. No doubt the dark god intended it so.

It was immediately evident that Lex was the better warrior, something Cade hadn't expected since Jake had been an Alpha. Maybe it was because Nia was Lex's true mate and it gave him more of a fighting edge. Whaever the reason it was obvious the alpha heir held the upper hand. Yet Cade's sense of the god showed him composed, even amused.

What did the evil god have up his sleeve? The way he'd seemed so sure his alpha would win was disturbing when put together with his composure. As the rest of the spectators relaxed to enjoy what they thought was a sure win Cade became more alarmed.

Looking up at Nia he saw that she was too engrossed in the fight, too sure her mate was going to win. Did he have the right to tell her otherwise? What if Lex was relying on her faith in him to fight so well, could Cade live with himself if he became the reason Lex lost?

"I can't see it." Ben gritted and for a moment Cade's mind cleared as if his brother had broken through the stress of so many minds. His brother's blue gaze pierced his. "I can feel his plan but I can't see it. It's like he's blocking it somehow."

"I know something isn't right." Cade confided.

"I can't see past this fight." Lola moaned. "Maybe if I hadn't spent so much time blocking my gift..."

"I don't think it'd've made a difference," Ben stated.

Even while they all watched the god and the match closely, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. While Jake was holding his own, Lex was dominating him. The alpha heir seemed to anticipate the former Alpha's moves. He flowed with unmistakable power with strength.

A Healer's Pain: Celestial Wolves Book 1✔Where stories live. Discover now