Chapter Thirty-Six

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'Nia hold on

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'Nia hold on.' A voice she vaguely remembered commanded.

'I can't!' She cried out.

'Focus on my voice.' He demanded.

'I can't!' She said again. 'Please help me! It hurts too much!' She cried.

'Nia, I need you to focus on me, just focus and I promise I will pull you out.'

Trying to think though, resulted in painful shards stabbing her mind repeatedly. She couldn't focus and knew she was experiencing Umbran's first step in breaking her. As broken as she already was, Nia doubted she would last long.

'Think of your mate Nia!' Whoever she was talking to insisted with desperation.

Jumbled memories of Jake and Lex pieced themselves through her mind. She couldn't tell who was who, had no idea which of them she desired. There was a cruel cast to either one, a drive to hurt her in their every act. It belied her mind's feeble attempt to insist one of them was good to her.

'Your child!' The person panicked even more. 'Think of him, so innocent, Umbran will twist him even before he's born.'

Her child! She loved her child, didn't she? The idea of her baby being twisted, turned evil before he had a chance hurt more than the pain Umbran drove into her. It was her duty as a mother to protect her child, to walk through anything just to save them. All she had to do was reach out to the voice calling her.

The pain doubled, trippled, her mind fought to find oblivion just to escape but Umbran seemed to guard that pathway. With her goal set, Nia didn't bother to fight him. She wondered how he missed whoever it was that was aiding her. After all, he was a god.

Howling out her pain, Nia strained her awareness towards the corner of her mind the voice was coming from. She prayed she wasn't making a mistake, prayed whoever she was reaching for wouldn't hurt her even more. Maybe it was a trick by the dark god. To give her an illusion of hope and then pull the rug from under her.

It tore her apart in ways she knew would take years to make sense, if she survived, but she held on. Reaching for the slim chance of hope, the slim possibility that someone could save her from the monster who already had most of her. The small part blindly trusting the voice being all that was left of her.

Just when she felt shredded beyond her capacity to ever be whole again, just as she was about to give up she felt it. Strong, warm, sheltering arms held her. She couldn't recall her father, had no memory of him ever holding her. This though, was what she imagined being in his arms would be like. An impartation of strength that negated all her failures, showing her she was strong no matter what.

She realised she was still looking into Jake's Umbran filled eyes. Still standing between two dead bodies and the Luna was still frozen in air. If it wasn't for the blood that dripped from her nose and the headache that assailed her, she would've thought no time had passed at all.

A Healer's Pain: Celestial Wolves Book 1✔Where stories live. Discover now