Chapter- 2

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Shreya's POV-

It was almost 4 in the afternoon and we had come back from lunch and the fest was again on full fledged mode. The chief guest, Mr Kabir Rathore was scheduled to arrive at 5 and we all were supposed to receive him.

" Shreya, why the hell are you zoned out again?" I heard Saraansh snap his fingers at me.

" I am not zoned out." I defended.

" Sure, you don't even know where you are going." He said.  

I checked my location. I was going towards the corridor in the opposite side.

" Yeah, whatever." I muttered.

" Where is Anika?" He asked.

" She is in the PR Department." I informed him.

He nodded.

" When are we going to be free?" I questioned.

" Not before 9 today." He said.

" This is ridiculous! I want to go home. It is Rohit bhai's sangeet tomorrow in the evening. I need to prepare." I whined.

" I know that. Aunty had called mom yesterday." He said.

" I will not come tomorrow?" I said.

" Not an option. The Dean will kill us all. We are the council members. It is mandatory." He said.

" This is not done!" I sang.

" What?" I heard Anika. She had walked towards us.

" Man, Rohit bhai's sangeet!" I exclaimed.

" Listen, don't worry. We will get out of the college before sangeet begins. I promise." She said.

" But how?" I asked.

" You'll see that tomorrow. For now, let's get back to our locations." She said.

I rolled my eyes and we went back to our respective locations.

We were busy for about 40 good minutes when we were disturbed by the dean.

" All the members of the council are to report to the main entrance in about 10 minutes." He said and walked away.

" Let's go or else he will make our ears bleed with his long lectures." Naman said, walking towards me. We both were in the reporting section.

" I know right! Let's go." I said and we walked together.

We saw a Mercedes something car stop from which two men got out. 

" Welcome Mr Rathore and Mr Singhania." The dean said and I was pushed forward by someone.

Shit, I had the flowers.

" Welcome sir." I said and offered flowers to him.

That arrogant, jerk, stupid, idiot, toad faced.....okay sorry, greek god hunk of a man did not even glance a look at us. Just took flowers from my hand, and went ahead.

Once he was out of sight, Adya exclaimed,

" What an A class jerk. Absolutely no manners!"

" I completely agree.I don't know what these stupid rich people think of themselves. They walk like they own the world.!!" I exclaimed.

" Forget it and let's go back. We will not probably come across them ever again." Anika said, being the sensible one.

And we all went inside. It was not long when  I were summoned to the dean's cabin.

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