Chapter 11

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After Varian paid for the alcohol Miguel and Rhaze drank, we left the bar. The moon dared to take a peek down pushing the clouds that hid it cautiously. Winds stirred and the leaves laughed to the tune of the night.

Varian led the way to the Witch's Peak, Kaina closely following him and had a small conversation with him. I walked in the centre with Rhaze humming a soft melody our mother used to sing for us. I withheld my tears. I would make her proud. I would make Evelyn Throne proud.

Behind us, Miguel walked, trying to put an arm around Arien. He kept dodging every attempt made by Miguel.

When we were quite far away from the town, far away for anyone to hear, Varian turned and asked me. "Can we trust this witch?"

At this Rhaze sobered up next to me. Her gaze became more focused and clear.

Kaina, on the other hand, looked the least bit bothered. She even let out a yawn and stared at me. Yet, in her green eyes, I saw a plea. She wanted to stay. But something said to me that even if I did not trust her, she would follow us. But what was the reason?

I frowned. While my heart trusted her without a second thought, my mind was running through all the possible ways by which Kaina could betray us. The more I thought, the more the conflict rose.

"Alioth did for a reason," Arien said. "Being Ursa's daughter, I trust her."

The combination of burnt wood, ocean and another scent that I could not pinpoint took a hold of my soul and made me question my own existence. From what I know, Arien was a shifter. But there was something else about him.

"How would you know Alioth trusted her?" I asked.

"If Kaina had malicious intent, Alioth would not have let her go," he said simply, as if it made all sense.

Rhaze who snapped from her contemplation looked at Arien. She looked like she wanted to say something, but thankfully, she bit back her words.

"Who is this Alioth?" Varian asked. "Is she like-"

"She used to guard Luna before Luna came down to earth," Arien said.

I blinked at him. How could he know that? Either he was Alioth's friend or... the other option made me gasp. He was alive when Alioth used to guard Luna and he had seen it himself.

Varian turned towards his friend. "How do you know this female?"

Miguel shrugged. "She was my cellmate."

Kaina gasped. "You mean to say, Alioth was in the Dungeons?"

"Yes," Arien said. "She was. Can't believe it?"

Kaina shook her head. "It's just that... I never thought stars could be thrown there."

"It was originally built for stars," I pipped. When I felt other's stare on me, I added, "Alioth told me."

"So you trust Kaina because of Alioth," Varian said. "Why do you trust Lyra and Rhaze?"

Arien inhaled sharply. "Because I was there when she nearly died. If you had not called me ten days ago, I would have been there to wreck the entire West Pack myself."

I could feel Rhaze's question burn me. I licked my lips. "After Cain threw me in the dungeon, Arien saved me."

Rhaze took a step back. "You already knew him."

I am sorry, sis, I said in the bond we shared. I should have told you before. I just did not find the right time to.

After a pause, she asked, He saved you?

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