Chapter 18

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"Focus!" Varian said sternly.

I gritted my teeth and got up again. This was not me. On a normal day, I could hold myself against these shifters at least for ten minutes before falling down. Today, I was constantly falling within two minutes. Even Varian, my mentor for today could tell that something was bothering me.

While Miguel was sparing with Nash, Rhaze and Aislynn had paired up. Ant was being taught a few things by Kaina. As I had thought, Kaina was not an ordinary witch. Aries had once said she had the potential to be a Hunter of Moon. Whatever that was.

And yes, I knew why I was failing miserably today. Aries was not here and I was feeling pathetic to even admit it to myself. Why was it that I could perform better with him next to me? Two days ago, when Aries was standing in the sidelines, I had actually defeated Varian in a fair fight. Now, I could not focus on this fight for the life of me.

Or it could have been the conversation I had with Alpha Eric, Brent and Andrew two days ago. It could have been the way, the hope in Eric's eyes that was disturbing me. That made me wonder about a family I never knew. It could have been. Should have been. 

Or it could have been my sleepless nights that were being plagued by voices that my brain said it belonged to people I had been close with in the past. As much as any of the reason above could have been the reason of my failure today, I was still able to trace the source of my unhappiness to the missing star.

Clearing my head, I saw Varian before me. He was looking calm and composed.

I nodded at him. And he charged.

His fist was raised as if to hit me in my solar plexus. But I knew better. Spinning to my right, I evaded his punch that was coming to my left. Not stopping there, I brought my fist upon him.

He did manage to evade it, but my fist landed a solid punch on his side. He stopped and saw me. Read me. Sized me up. And I hated it.

Growling, I sprung. I did not know what possessed me, but I literally flew. Even Varian was surprised when I landed a solid punch on his face, knocking him off his feet.

Stuck in his surprise, he did not get up. Everyone around us had stopped with their training.

Then Ant began to clap. Slowly Kaina followed and then Aislynn and my sister.

I swallowed loudly and offered my hand to Varian.

"Get up," I said.

Varian took my hand but he had a distant look in his eyes. Like he did not recognise who I was.

"W-what was that, Lyra?" he breathed as he stood up.

I shrugged. "I don't know."

It was then Miguel smirked. "That, Varian, is an Alpha Shifter. We have not seen one in ages and hence we seemed to have forgotten."

Aislynn smiled slowly. "That speed. I remember. Alpha Bria had been just as fast as Lyra had been a few minutes ago." She then shook her head. "No. Alpha Bria was an Alpha because of her mateship. She was not as fast as Lyra. She had been slower."

Varian blinked. "I forget at times that you were there when Alpha Bria had been challenged."

Nash licked his lips. "If our Alpha is this fast before shifting, how fast would she be if she shifted?"

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