Aries POV: Lyra

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A/N: To those who find their meeting different, let me tell you that a few things in Aries are changed. If you have not read it, you would not know about it. Though it is not major changes, it will definitely not affect the main plot. There will be an extra chapter just for Aries and Lyra in this version, which I will intimate before updating.


Breeze lisped in a secret language to the abandoned grass. The soughing grass, in turn, rustled among themselves, arguing who would win being the loudest. The night sky was unexceptionally clear with just a few stars peaking out.

I never knew that gazing at the sky could be so relaxing. Taking in the scent of the lemongrass, I turned just in time when he landed with perfection on earth.

His hair was dark enough for me to mistake it as a part of the Abyss. And his eyes bright enough for me to see a glimpse of Origin in them. The way his eyes scanned the earth, I knew. The last time he was here, he attended the funeral of his ex-consort.

I acknowledged him. "Polaris, Northern Star."

He waved his hand. "Leave the title behind, Aries."

I nodded. "What brings you to earth?"

He looked far ahead. "A breach."

I frowned. I knew many things, but definitely not as many as Polaris knew. "A breach in what?"

"In security," he said. "Because of that, the dungeons will open and Alioth will be released."

My eyes widened. "Alioth will be? But the dungeons-"

Polaris sighed. "Qamar and I were the ones who designed every part of the Dungeons. You know that."

I nodded again. "I do."

The night insects after deciding that Polaris was not here to harm them, began their nocturnal chatter. At a distance, a group of fireflies lit themselves up and buzzed around the grass fields we were in. I almost smiled faintly at them. These fireflies and the stars were not far from being different.

Polaris said. "In a way, the Dungeons speaks to us. I can feel that the time for Alioth in the Dungeons is up."

I put my hands in my pocket and turned to him. "Just her?"

"And a few other people," Polaris said. "A shifter and a vampire. That's all I know for sure."

I took in a deep breath. "This might be the first time anyone is going to walk out of the Dungeons alive."

Polaris chuckled lightly. "Alioth is my daughter, yes. But she is her mother's daughter too. If anyone can survive, it would be her."


A pause fell over us before Polaris sighed. "I want you to go in and talk to Alioth about her release tomorrow night, Aries. Can you do that?"

This request was odd. Had it been a lesser star, I would have probed their mind and would have seen what they had in their mind, but this was Polaris. He had a title for a reason. And for that reason, I would do what he asked me to do.

"Can I ask why?" I asked.

He gazed up at the few stars that dared to peak on our conversation. "Do you know who I am?"

I gave him a blank look. "Of course, I do."

He slowly fixed his gaze on me as if waiting for me to continue.

"You are the Northern Star," I said. "One of the few who can control time."

"That's all, Aries?" he asked. "I expected better."

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