Chapter 29

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 There was a knock on your suite's door later that morning. You went to answer it with a dagger that could nearly be classified as a sword. Thor was standing on the other side of the door with a huge tray of breakfast. "Good morning, little sister," he greeted you brightly, ignoring the death glare you gave him and the giant dagger you were holding. He swept passed you into the room and set the tray on your coffee table. Dammit, he knew you wouldn't stab him just for entering your room. "I'm sorry I cannot brew healing tea, but Lady Natasha said these pills work," he indicated the meds in a little cup on the tray.

You gave him a real smile then. "Loki sent me tea," you told him with too bright of a grin. That tea and note had made you extremely hopeful.

"He is back?" Thor demanded excitedly.

"Not yet," you replied, your grin slipping slightly. You slipped into your bedroom and got the note Loki had sent you. You handed it to Thor and let him read it. "He'll be back," you told Thor when he handed the note back to you.

"Yes, I believe you are correct." Thor ate breakfast with you, keeping you company without being obtrusive. He eventually left you to hole up in your room in bed with a book. He made sure you knew he would be around to keep you company if you needed or wanted him to.


Tony and Cap thawed out by the time you had your powers back. It helped that Loki hadn't done anything to upset anyone while he was away. They seemed to finally trust your judgment over the matter, finally.

You finished up the last of your classes and exams. You missed Loki terribly, but kept up with your life. There was a press conference to announce that you were an official member of the team. You went dressed in armor identical to Sif's, except the skirt and accents were blue instead of red. You had decided to take the name Sigyn as your superhero alias. You'd never get used to hearing the name unless people called you by it and if the media did, you figured you'd get used to it faster. You had a feeling you would be visiting Asgard again soon and had to get used to your identity there. It was still too much and you weren't sure you were ok having two identities that were supposed to actually be you, but you got some advice on it from Nat, who was used to having multiple identities and started to feel better about things.

"You guys are coming to graduation, right?" you asked the team again one night during a mission.

"Yes, Sig, now pay attention to the bad guys," Tony grumbled. You teleported to where he indicated and helped him take out a bunch of the bad guys you had been chasing.

"And you're coming in uniform, right?" you asked, even more annoyingly. It was important to you, so the team was complying.

"Everyone except Hulk," Cap answered. "Now will you please pay attention? Clint's been shot,"

"Again?" you groaned. "Clint, stop getting shot," you grumbled at him. You teleported to his location and got to work healing him.

"I don't do it on purpose," he grumbled.


You all piled in to one of the giant SUVs to go to your graduation that Saturday. You were even wearing a dress for the occasion under your cap and gown. You and the team took pictures, including a group shot with you in your cap and gown.

The ceremony started and you grinned at your family when you saw them in the first row of parents watching the ceremony in their uniforms. Everything went smoothly until you crossed the stage to get your diploma and heard an announcement over the earbud comm device you wore nearly constantly now.

"The world security council has found out Sigyn let Loki go. They have made a stupid-ass decision to arrest her for it. They're coming to take her to The Raft. Protect the healer, now," Fury's voice came over the device. You finished shaking the principal's hand and made your way off the stage as quickly as possible.

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