Chapter 41

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  "So what did you and my Mother discuss all day?" Loki asked more firmly as you both curled on a couch in your sitting room. He had found some new books and scrolls in your room and was in heaven at the new knowledge to find.

"Seriously, Loki, stop being so paranoid. She wanted to see my powers and get to know my personality. She wanted to make sure I'd be good for you. She loves you, silly Trickster and just wants to make sure you're happy," you told him, glancing up from the healing scroll you were perusing. He looked shocked at that. You rolled your eyes. "You can't be surprised Frigga loves you. She always has. Your being adopted has no bearing on that fact,"

"But I'm not even Asgardian," he protested.

"That has never stopped Frigga or Thor from loving you," you reminded him patiently.

"But Odin..."

"Is an ass,"

"Don't let him hear you say that," Loki laughed.

You rolled your eyes. "I'm not that stupid. He uses people. You told me that yourself. He means well for the nine realms as a whole, but not for individual people, except for Frigga," you gave him that point. Odin did care for Frigga, you could see that in every interaction they had. Loki thought over your words and you could see that he was still considering them as he returned to his pouring over the next texts.


You spent a couple peaceful weeks in Asgard with Loki, Thor, and their friends and family. You walked the gardens with Loki, practiced magic with Loki and Frigga, spent countless hours in the libraries, worked on your combat skills with Loki and Sif, and told stories with Thor, Loki, Sif, and the Warriors Three.

"Why can't I just hide in my room?" you asked Loki, terrified one morning after a few weeks in Asgard. "Or yours. I'm not picky." You tried to snuggle further in his arms. You were on a strange world without your powers. This was a terrible combination. Why hadn't you convinced the boys to go home before this happened? Right, Loki wanted you to stay here and prove to the people you were one of them and trusted the court. Except you didn't. You had felt braver about this plan yesterday when you had your powers.

"Darling, you know why," Loki reminded you patiently.

"I know," you whined and pouted, but eventually let him convince you to leave the bed and brave the world. He did at least summon a very fancy dagger for you to wear when you did. You strapped the sheath on and tried to look more brave than you felt. Loki summoned his own cloak to wrap around your shoulders. You gave him a questioning look.

"It's tradition, witchling," was all the explanation he gave. He walked you to breakfast, his arm around you, overly protective today. You were grateful for it. He settled you at the table and insisted, again, firmly, but kindly that you had to try to eat something. Thor looked over at those words and gave you a reassuring smile, lifting his mug of ale (how on Earth could he drink ale for breakfast?) in a small salute. He knew what was wrong and was showing his support. You gave him a small nod of appreciation.

"Is something wrong?" Frigga asked unnecessarily. You flushed and looked at the unappetizing plate of food in front of you. Loki huffed and set a slice of chocolate cake and a cup of his healing tea in front of you instead.

"Then will you eat something?" he asked when you picked up the tea to sip on it.

"I'll try," you told him softly. He kissed your forehead.

"My lady is feeling a bit under the weather," Loki replied automatically. You had a feeling that phrase was only used in this situation.

"Of course," Frigga replied knowingly, confirming your suspicion.

"My sons, I would speak with you," Odin announced and soon left the room, expecting that Thor and Loki would follow him without complaint. Loki looked shocked that he had been included among Odin's 'my sons'. You had heard Odin's hesitation to use Loki's original title of Odinson during the ceremony. He had stumbled, not wanting to claim him. Maybe he was thawing out?

Loki looked over at you, concerned. He had promised to spend the day with you so you'd feel safe. "Go, I will look after her," Frigga told Loki warmly. You nodded your agreement. Loki gave you a kiss before he followed Thor to see what Odin wanted. "If you eat the cake, I will neglect to tell Loki that you did not eat any real food," Frigga offered kindly.

"Deal," you replied with a smile and proceeded to eat your cake, chatting casually with Frigga. You had gotten more comfortable around her in the last few weeks. You'd spent a lot of time in her company learning magic and listening to stories about Loki from when he was a child, much to his protests.

"Come, my dear, we can spend the morning in my chambers. Don't fret, Loki will know where to find you," Frigga bid you kindly when your tea and cake were gone. You nodded and stood, smoothing out your skirts. Frigga walked next to you companionably, kind and casual, for all that you sensed that her magic was ready. She knew exactly how to make sure you felt safe and you were grateful for it.

"So, what happened after you left Asgard the last time you were here? I vaguely recall seeing my son in a very compromising situation." You weren't surprised Frigga had asked. You'd been waiting for her to. She had done you a favor in letting you escape Asgard with a bound and gagged Loki. You did kind of owe her an explanation.

So you told her. You told her how Loki left after you got back to Midgard, how you'd let him go, how you saw a vision of the future. Most importantly, you told her how he'd chosen to return. You told her everything because she deserved the entire truth.

"I had hoped that would not be the path he chose," Frigga commented sadly.

"I would not have wished it either, but it was the best path. He didn't and wouldn't know what he truly wanted until he knew he had the freedom to make the choice for himself. I would have let him leave forever if that was what he chose. I'm just glad that wasn't his choice,"

Frigga smiled fondly at your words and you enjoyed a quiet day reading while she worked on some kind of paperwork that she refused your offer to help with.

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