Chapter 65

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 You jolted awake at the sound of the double doors to the throne room burst open. You sat up and Loki growled that your nap and healing rest were interrupted. He surged to his feet, setting you on the throne behind him as he rose. "What is the meaning of this interruption?" he demanded of the young-looking guard who ran up to the steps to the throne.

"Sir, I apologize for the interruption, but there are giants attacking the palace," the guard wheezed as he bowed, his hand over his heart in a fist.

You saw Loki's mind whirl as he thought out the plan ahead. You stood next to him, willing and ready to help however you could. "Sif!" he called. She rushed forward.

"My King?" she asked.

"Sig, go with Sif, defend my parents," Loki ordered quickly. You nodded and touched his cheek on your way down the steps to where Sif was waiting. He grabbed you before you passed and kissed you. "Keep my mother safe," he bid you urgently. He knew that even without your powers, you weren't helpless. You knew what he was doing and didn't fault him for it. He was giving you a job in this fight, an important one. His mother's safety was more important to him even than yours. "Sig, if the healing wing is breeched, you know what to do," Loki reminded you. You knew the backup plan and you'd do it, no matter the cost, you'd protect Frigga.

You nodded. "We'll keep her safe. You stay safe too, my king,"

"I have survived how many battles and still my queen worries over me," he commented warmly.

"It is because I worry about you that you have survived," you replied and stuck your tongue out at him. Even in these circumstances, you couldn't help flirting with him during battle. "Give us a lift?" you asked when you reached Sif. He nodded and banged Gungir on the floor once. Green magic shimmered around you and you were suddenly in the healing wing.

"I really hate when he does that," Sif growled, looking a little green around the edges. Nonmagic folk often didn't take well to teleporting. You looked around the healing wing which had become your domain.

The healers were being terrified sheep. Great. Just what you didn't need. "Ninnies, help us barracade the entrance," you snapped the order to them. Once they had clear orders, they could stop being sheep and actually do something. They rushed to obey, pushing whatever heavy objects they could in front of the door. "Ingris, keep the patients calm and quiet, use potions where you can. Save your magic for after the battle." You ordered. You were the strongest healer in the realm and you were out of commission. Sif stayed by the barrier, bladed staff already out to defend the already ill and wounded.

"Sif, call me if there's trouble," you told her. She nodded and you rushed to Odin's room.

Frigga looked up as you burst in. "What's wrong?" she asked, getting to her feet.

"Giants are attacking the palace," you told her calmly. "Sif and I are here to defend the healing wing. Everything will be alright, Mother. Loki is in charge of the defense, he will keep our people safe,"

She gave you a look. "You do not worry for him?"

"Of course I worry, but I have a job to do too. We trust in each other to do our jobs and survive. Neither of us are weak, even without my powers, I'm an Aesir trained warrior, and Loki has over a thousand more years of combat experience than I do. He will be fine, my worrying will do him no good, but preparing our defenses here will," she smiled warmly at your reply. So you risked a little snark. "And if he is injured, I'll kick his ass myself to remind him not to do it again,"

She laughed aloud at that. "The answer of an Asgardian lady if I have ever heard one," she told you warmly. "What do you require of me, Daughter?" she asked.

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