Chapter 8

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"So...what are you doing this Saturday?" She put the cup of hot honey tea down the table then sat comfortably on the couch. Lisa was sitting on the floor doing her paperwork.

"Uhh.. I don't know. Nothing I guess, why?" She stopped typing for a while to look at her side finding the smoke raised up from the cup inviting her to drink it. 

"For me?" She deliberately not casted her eyes to the other girl since she wore loose t-shirt and shorts. She had seen Jennie's legs many times before but that didn't mean she is used to that. It took a remarkable self-control to not ogling on her. 

"Yeah. Careful, it's hot" 

"Thanks." She said shortly. She took the cup, brought to her lips and tested the water before sipped it slowly. "Woah, this is really good!" She grinned gratefully at Jennie. 

"You like it?" 

"Of course I like it." She slurped again. Not drink on chilly weather was just perfect. 

"Wow, you're actually honest this time. Not annoyingly turning around upside down just to avoid saying the truth that my creation is awesome" 

Lisa narrowed her eyes at the later for God knew how long. "Shut up," she finally said with flat tone making Jennie laugh. 

"I thought you're going to make some excuse! You run out of idea, don't you?" She mischievously mocked her. 

"Whatever." Lisa grumbled under her breath. After she calmed her down, Jennie pulled out some tissue. dried her tear from laughing too hard. 

"Ehem," she cleared her throat. "In all seriousness though, you don't have anything to do this Saturday?" 

"Nope, don't think so." 

"Well, about meeting your friend, we can do dinner if you want." 

"This Saturday, you mean?" Jennie nodded. "I'll ask them tomorrow then. We invite them here or you want to go to a restaurant?" 

"What about home made cooking?" 

"You'll cook for them?"


"Okay then."

Lisa resumed her work meanwhile Jennie laid on her back, flipping her magazine on one to another page. The TV was playing on soft music--Jennie's choice. It was a peaceful night in their house. 

"Hoaamm..." Lisa yawned as she scratched her back making some hone cracking sound. 

"Sleepy?" Jennie asked without taking her eyes off magazine. 

"Naahhoaamm.." she yawned again. "I still want to work a bit more." 

"You should sleep. You've been in front of the computer for hours" 

"Yeah I will, my head already hurts." She rubbed her forehead hoping the throbbing would go away. 

"You want me to massage your head?" Jennie peeked from her magazine.

"No, no, no it's fine." She shook her head. She didn't keen on the idea of haying Jennie's hand on her head. It'll give her more headaches. "Are you working on a case right now," She asked as she opened other document. 


"That's your answer, Just yep?" She typed down. 

"You want to know more?" 

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