Chapter 9

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They went to the traditional market on chilly Saturday after Lisa picked Jennie up from her office. Lisa was mostly standing and eating street snack and held the plastic bag whilst Jennie choose and make a bid for the things she needed. 

Lisa recalled the last time she came to traditional market. It was really long time ago. Probably when she was still in med school. 

"I think we already have the necessity ingredients." Jennie said as she paid the groceries.

Lisa masticated the Toppoki as she waft through her mouth because it was really hot. 

"Hey, hey, you'll burn your mouth with that." She frowned disapprovingly. 

"This is really good. You wanna try?" Lisa blew the Toppoki. Jennie shook her head. 

"Lets go home, Lisa." She carried some of the plastic bag then they walk towards the parking lot.


"Nini, can we nap before we start cooking?" Lisa yawned while putting their groceries in the fridge.


"Woaaabb?" She yawned again. 

"You want to nap with me? You said we." Jennie smirked at her.

Teasing each other like this was totally fun for the both of them. Maybe response from the others kept them entertained even though inside of their heart, the joke or the tease made their heart beating a little bit faster than normal. 

"No!" Lisa caught off guard, her cheeks began change color into shade of pink. "I mean I want to take a nap, by myself, in my bedroom, on my own bed." She stammered then turned her head to the fridge focusing on what she was doing, ignoring Jennie who was laughing. She was happy making Lisa stuttered. 

"Wake me up if I sleep too long. Don't start cooking without me" The tall girl walked out the kitchen with her back faced Jennie. Lisa laid on her back on the bed, covering her face with the pillow. She breathed in and out for a couple times before her erratic heart became slower. 

"You're messing with my head, Jennie. What are you? What the hell are you doing?" She sighed loudly. 

"Why are you doing this?" She can felt it. The walls she built were slowly melted down. She shook her head vigorously. 

"Keep yourself together, Lalisa! She's just a stranger who happens to live with you. She's not worth it. She's not worth for another pain. She's just being polite. Yeah, polite." She murmured the same mantra over and over. She grabbed her bolster and closed her eyes. Finally she did the best she usually do; shut down the problem and ignore it for as long as it possible.


Lisa woke up abruptly when she heard the knock at the door making her head throbbing. Jennie's head partly appeared through the slightly open door. 

"You awake?" 

"Yeah," she answered with hoarse voice. "I'll take the shower first then join you" 

"It's okay if you still want to sleep" Jennie said softly. 

"No I'm fine." She slowly got off the bed dragged her feet towards the bathroom. 

When she finished her shower, Lisa took her phone on her drawer and put it in her pocket. She entered the kitchen with delicious smoke greeted her. Jennie, with her high ponytail and pink apron was busy slicing the meat 

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