Chapter 30 (Part 2)

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"Alright doctors!" The class immediately fell in full silence when Lisa walked in confidently into the class using a neat blue plaid shirt and black jeans Jennie prepared for her. These kids were technically not doctors yet, they were med student with fresh brain and curiosity and the prestige to be called 'doctors' would boost their spirit to learn. 

"Today, we are going to learn about tension pneumothorax and what to do when you find this condition. I will explain it in the easiest possible way for you to understand. Of course there are many videos about it on YouTube or whatever med sites on the Internet. But today, I'll give you a very rare chance to see it live." 

She smiled at the enthusiastic murmur. 

Her residents brought in two large grey boxes and put it on the table. 

"Okay, lets see. Ah! Five of you," she pointed the first row to come forward next to her. "Put on your gloves, please," she ordered. "Now, we're going to find out what's in this thing," she tapped the plastic box. "Open it," she said to the male participant. 

"Oh my god!" He gasped. "It's a lung!"

"It's not a lung. It's a pair of lungs." Lisa laughed. "A really fresh pair of lungs. Now don't be too surprised, you already seen it before, right? Anatomy skills lab?" 

"It's a breathing dead lungs in a box," one of them said as a matter of fact. 

"Yeah, we never see dead lungs breathing in a box before." 

"Now you see it." she shrugged easily. "And in this other box, is a not really fresh pair of lungs." 

"Can I touch it?" asked the thick glasses young girl. 

"Sure you can, but after my explanation, okay?" Lisa smiled friendly. "Of course as you can see these lungs are not breathing by themselves. We use this endotracheal tube connected to the ambu bag to push oxygen into the lungs. Both of them rise and down nicely, right?" The students nodded in agreement.

"Let see the first lungs," she took the organ out of the box and put it on the tray. "Not injured everybody. Go on examine it." The five students carefully lifted it up and down to find any abnormality. 

Five of them nodded. 

"Not injured, right? Okay, now pay attention. I will use this plastic bag-imagine it as the chest wall, okay?" She wrapped the lung using the bag and asked her resident to pushed the ambu bag. "Look at it. What do you see?" 

"Bag is collapsing with each ventilation." the straight haired young girl answered. "It expands without trouble." 

"Right! That is correct. Now we move on to the second lungs. What do you see?" 

"There's a cut, here." 

"Okay, this one is an injured lungs. Lets put the bag and push. What do you see?" 

"Wow, the bag is keep on expanding." the tall man stunned. "But isn't that mean that the lungs is going to be recessive? There's too much pressure." 

"Aren't you guys smart?! Hah!" She clapped her hands excitedly. 

"If the lungs is injured, air will leaks into pleural cavity. So the bag will not collapse with expiration instead it'll trapped the air more with no way out. So then the question is, how to reduce the pressure?"

A handsome guy raised his hand to answer. 

"Yes, Mister?" 

"Kim. Kim Jeewan, doctor." 

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