Hiding in light

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Walking down the street, I saw the shadow of someone I knew, I really wish I didn't follow it, but curiosity got the best of me as always. I went behind that silhouette I knew to well to ignore it.

I saw the shadow turn right and I kept following it until we reached an alley. Then the shadow disappeared. I started looking everywhere to try and figure out how he escaped so fast without me noticing it. As I got distracted looking behind me, i didn't notice that the shadow was right in front of me,  but he wasn't a shadow anymore, it was him, the one person I expected to never see again. He was there and I tried to run, but he caught me once again,  just like he'd caught me those years ago.

To say my whole body was shaking would be the understatement of the year. I couldn't understand why I came here if I was so afraid of him. Why did I do that? I really can't answer that, because I don't know the answer to that question. I felt like I wanted to talk to him, to see him at least one more time, and figure out how he has me so intoxicated every damn time we met. But I wouldn't find out, and probably never will; he's a close book, he doesn't share, he doesn't show his true emotions, and I can never tell what's on his mind. I wish I knew how to run, so I could run away from him as my legs could allow me. I wish I could forget everything that happened.


"Why are you doing this? You don't have to"

"Yes I do, I need to do this, for the both of us, come on, we can do it together."

"James, listen to me, you're crazy, I love you but I can't do this, not anymore. The situation has escalated too quickly, it was supposed to be a one time thing." I was starting to go when he grabbed my hand.

"NO!!!" He said angry, I have never see him like this, it's like he's possessed. I'm so scared and he doesn't let me go.

"Don't you dare turn your back to me right now, we are in this together, we started together, we end this together". He kept tightening his hold on my hand, I know for sure tomorrow there'll be a bruise there.

"I don't want to do this anymore, I'm tired, you're getting to obsessed with this, it's a body for god's sake."

"Exactly that's why we can't just leave it there to rot, we have to move it. Help me, this would be the last one I promise, I'm not sick, I'm not obsessed."

"You said that the last time, and look where we are now". I said almost screaming. All I could think about was the blood coming out of his head, after James hit him with the wrench. I couldn't erased the image. He was lying there on the cold tile floor with his eyes looking at us, hunting us, daring us to do it again.

"Please baby, look at me, we can do this, this would be the last time, after this, we'll go away, far far away from here, and no one will never find out."

"Yes, they will find out, there's a lot of evidence to put us behind bars for a long time" at this point, I was crying and shaking.

I decided to get my shit together for this one last time, I recollected myself and started to erase any trace of evidence, I started using the bleach to clean the floor, lucky this guy didn't had any carpets in the house, so it was more easy to erase evidence without altering the house that much.

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