why i quit hacking......for good part 3

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She knows? What does she mean? Is she connected to James? Or was this going against James’ plan? Shit… is she… James?

“What..? How do you know?”

Another pause. What the hell is going on? How the hell does she know???

My search comes up with something. James is definitely in the same country. But I had to narrow it down, why is it taking way too long? I hear her taking a deep breath.

“I always knew Brock was faithful. It’s why I stuck around. I wanted to leave him because he was a horrid person. Not to me, but to other people. I mean, look at you Danni, sure you were bullied by everyone, but Brock kept taking it too far. And it wasn’t just you, other people would be pushed around by him every day, and I was sick of it.”

Another pause, is she… crying? I can definitely hear her crying. I didn’t want to cut in at all. I let her take her time. After a few seconds, she continues.

“I guess I was looking for a way out, and seeing this girl that Brock was supposedly cheating on me with was my ticket. I knew he was faithful, but I had to take this chance and end the relationship there. I just didn’t… I didn’t know his life would be ruined because of it. I mean, for crying out loud, we were just kids!!”

Her voice had gotten louder now, I could tell she was beating herself up about this. Hard. I had to comfort her in some way.

“Liz, it wasn’t your fault, he made the wrong choices in life and ultimately couldn’t live with them. You were trapped in that relationship, you were under no obligation to continue with him. It wasn’t your fault, I did this. And I will gladly take the blame… I gotta still ask though, how did you know it was me?”

She laughs, I guess that was a stupid question? I knew the answer before she said it.

“I’m not stupid Danni, I know Brock isn’t the type of person to get in trouble with “Anonymous” or stuff like that”, I snorted, “I knew that Brock pissed off someone who was good with computers, and the only person I could think of was you”.

I laughed, I didn’t care if James was listening, I didn’t care if he would blast through the door and shoot me in the head. I laughed at how stupid I really was, and at how I thought I was being clever. But a thought quickly wormed itself into my mind. James was not going to be happy with this outcome.

“Liz, are you with someone right now?” My thoughts are to get her somewhere safe. Somewhere James can’t get to her without causing too much attention.

“No I’m out…” The line cuts.

“Liz??? LIZ??” I pick up my phone, “the fuck have you done to her you twisted dickhead??”

Silence. Not a single noise. I looked at my phone puzzled, we were still connected, where the fuck did he go? This ain't the time for a toilet break. Then I heard a sound, he’s there, and starts to speak. His voice changed, not modulated into something else, but his tone. He isn't happy.

“Homo Sapiens, an intriguing species. They never do things the way you expect them to.” I hear a sigh, “she will be dealt with, soon. For now though, let's continue our trip down memory lane”.

Oh my God. He's going to kill her. Fuck! I needed to hurry up and find something. Anything! I can't let anyone else die because of me. I can't…

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