I was dead for 6 minutes and saw heaven. I'd rather go to hell part 1

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While I wasn't the best of Christians, I've always believed in god. You wouldn't see me in church every Sunday, but I would make a good attempt to go during Easter and Christmas mass. On some wednesdays every couple of years you would even see me with a piece of ash on my face.

That was, of course, before that drunk driver decided that my Honda looked like it needed to be compressed to half its size. I don't remember much about the accident itself or my subsequent stay in the hospital.

But this story isn't about that.

This story is about what I saw when I was dead for six minutes.


One moment I was driving down Roosevelt avenue, minding my own business, and waiting for a light to turn green. The next moment I felt a huge shift in weight and everything went black.

When I saw the light at the end of a dark tunnel I guessed what had happened to me.

I had died.

I knew I was a good person. I treated my family kindly. My many years on this Earth had taught me that people were essentially good. I wasn't afraid to go into that white light, despite the fact that I was leaving my life behind me, because I knew that I would see them soon enough.

So I went into the light.

The next thing I knew I had a physical body. I could feel a light coolness on my skin and the soft fabric of a comfortable loose shirt and pants. The small white dots and brown moles that had littered my forearms from long days of physical labor were gone and my skin felt as smooth as a baby's bottom. If I could look in a mirror I would probably see a version of myself much younger than the forty four years I currently was.

"You done admiring the new duds?"

The voice surprised me. It sounded too...


"Sorry. It's just a lot to get used too," I said to the voice that I couldn't place, "wait a minute, where the hell are you?"

"Here..." The voice was coming from my right and my eyes adjusted to the point that I could make out a silhouette against the light that surrounded me. The light seemed to die down a bit and I could finally make out the silhouette. Like me he was in a loose fitting white shirt and white pants. And there was something weird about his hair.

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