i hunt down the government's mistakes finale

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It had been a few days since the attack on the facility. I was temporarily sent home while the government sorted out the mess. With half of the building blown off it wouldn’t do much good to start hunting down the experiments before we had a place to store them, we’d find them eventually anyway. I was able to sleep for about 4 hours before my phone rang, it was time to hunt down the escapees.

Myself and the three other hunters that had helped look for Mimic were all called in, we were given a short list of the experiments that had escaped. To my dismay, Dahlia was in fact on the list. She couldn’t move on her own, so it was clear she was with another one of the experiments, which one though I had no clue. I tried flipping through the pages to see if the man I had seen with Mimic was on the list, but he wasn’t.

We were able to find about half of the 20 escapees within the first day. Some of the experiments just stand out a bit too much, and with no one to help them on the outside they are just sitting ducks.

There were still 11 at large though, Dahlia of course among those. I kept hoping every time we found a new lead, that they would be the one carrying Dahlia, but unfortunately that was not the case.

After doing a quick sweep of the nearby city with no new results, we were all sent home to rest. The government would go through cameras and contact us if they found anything. They were also calling in reinforcements after the attack, trying to find out who orchestrated it.

There was absolutely no way I was going home with a killer doll stalking me though. Instead I made sure that I wasn’t being followed, I parked my car on a random street, and found a small motel.

It was a crappy run-down place, but that oddly made me feel safer. I slept with my lethal gun in hand, and my tranq gun nearby. I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep much, but it would only be worse for me if Dahlia did come, and I was too exhausted to fight back.

The night went by with no incidences though. I was called early in the morning once again; it turns out two experiments had been spotted together, they had stolen a car and were on route to leave the city. The people back at the facility would slow them down as much as possible with stoplights. They wanted me and another one of the hunters to meet up and follow them, they could possibly lead us to more of the escaped.

I was able to quickly meet up with one of the hunters from before, he was probably mid 30’s, so he had probably been doing this much longer than I had. Luckily, we were able to catch sight of the stolen vehicle just before it left town. Despite knowing they had been slowed down, it seemed too easy.

The car began taking backroads, and eventually pulled in to an old cabin. Despite us being the only car behind it most of the time, it didn’t seem to show any unusual behavior as to suggest it knew we were following it.

The other hunter pulled over a short distance from the cabin, and he began to ready himself. I pulled out my phone, this was obviously a trap, I thought that maybe I could call backup, but the other hunter stopped me.

“Listen kid, I’ve been at this a long time. I know this is probably a trap, but do you really think they are going to send anyone to help us? We’re on our own, and you can either help me, or sit out here and wait. I’m going in.”

“Well then, after you I suppose.” I replied coldly. I knew he was probably right thought, the government didn’t care much about us, they would probably have just scolded me and asked what I was waiting for. So I began to gear up as well, death might be favorable compared to whatever Dahlia wanted to do with me.

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