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"Every Girls Needs A Super Hero In Their Life?"


Eleanor continued to drag me toward my first class that is chemistry. Argh I hate this subject. And now every Monday morning I've got to study it. Wow! An amazing way to start my bloody week. Please note the sarcasm.

I really hate to say this and most probably people will kill me after hearing this but...MATH is way better then chemistry. I mean finding 'x' is much easier then balancing these chemical equations. And don't forget how the elements are denoted. We can understand that 'O' is for 'Oxygen' and 'H' for 'Hydrogen' but how the hell does 'Fe' is for 'Iron' and 'Na' for 'Sodium'? This is just so much confusing.

I've never been good in chemistry. I can ace my other subjects but at least getting passing grades in chemistry would be a blessing. I still remembered this one time when I failed chemistry, Adrian took all my chocolates and hid them somewhere. He didn't give me any chocolate for a week. Those were the worst days of my life. And since that day I've grown a strong dislike towards chemistry. Hate would be the better word though.

Eleanor brought me back from my train of thoughts when she stops in front of a desk at the back of the class. "C'mon sit down." She gestured me to the sit at the desk beside hers.

After settling down, I looked around the class. All the desks were occupied. And all the students were talking about something to their friends. Some were glancing in my direction and some continued minding their own business.

"So I've got two more classes with you after break today." Elo said hand my schedule back to me. "Arts and Literature"

I thanked her after taking my schedule back from her. "Hey, I never got to ask why you were so happy after finding me." I asked as I remembered how glad she was when she found me in the hallway.

She thought for a while and then her eyes widened as she remembered what I was asking about. "I was just happy that I don't have to see that bitch's face." As she saw the confusion on my face, she then added "Ms. Mitch or more like Ms. bitch- the receptionist."

I laugh at that. Yeah she was a...uhhh...

The door burst opened and walked in a bald man. Maybe the teacher. To confirm my thoughts I look towards Eleanor and raised my eyebrow and then gestured in the direction of the bald man, asking her about him. Thankfully she understood what I was trying to say and mouth me "Mr. Raymond, our chemistry teacher."

I nodded my head and then looked forward toward the board. Mr. Raymond stood in the middle of the class. "Good Morning class! Let's start from where we left off yesterday!" Oh yeah, I started the school a week later so now I've to catch up to the work I've missed. Yay me!

"I will inform you about the project tomorrow." He said after a long time. "I will see you all in the next class. The class is dismissed. Have a good day!" He said walking out of the class room.

Putting the things in the bag, I stood up and moved to stand in front of Eleanor. She was sitting in the same position for the last thirty minutes.

"Eleanor." No reply.


"Elo." I tried using her nick name.

"ELEANOR!" I said a bit louder.

She cursed and fell off the desk. And I stood there confused, whether to help her or to laugh. I went with the later.

"What the fuck Natalya?!" She growled while standing up and rubbing her butts.

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