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"I love you"


I groaned and stretched my arms to hold the petite figure of my girl. My brows frowned in confusion when cold sheets came in contact with my arms instead of the warm body of Natalya.

I opened my right eye and peeked to her side, seeing it empty. I sighed and closed my eye again.

After few minutes I rolled out of the bed and stretched my back and neck.

I picked up my shirt from the floor, smiling lazily, remembering the fit Natalya threw yesterday after I shrugged it off.

I began to descent downstairs and paused as I saw Natalya rummaging through the cupboards. Her usually shiney blonde hair were a in a messy bun.

I leaned against the door frame and watched her like a fuCking creep. I loved staring at her. Even if she was a mess but she was my mess.

After a few minutes of her searching, she huffed and rested her head in her palms over the counter.

Her head shot up as I cleared my throat. My eyes widened when I saw tears in her eyes. I rushed towards her, engulfing her in my embrace.

"What happened, baby?" My voice laced with alarm as I rubbed my hand up and down her back, trying to calm her down.

"There's nothing left." She cried and wrapped her arms around me.

"What do mean, baby? You're scaring the fuCk out of me."

She controlled herself after a few minutes. I was glad that non of our friends were around. I'd have a hard time explaining them why she was crying when I didn't even know myself why she was fuCking crying!

"There's no chocolate and chips and candies and everything!" She mumbled angrily. Her small hands fisting at the back of my shirt.

The fuCk?!

"Baby, what are you saying?" I asked again thinking that I might've heard wrong.

She pulled away from me. Her pink lips formed in an adorable pout. "I want to eat chocolate and chips and candies but there aren't any left."

I bit my lips, hiding my amusement. "And that's what made you cry?" She nodded her head. Her lips pouted and her blue eyes pooled with unshed tears. I pulled her in a deep kiss. "Oh my baby." I coed. "I'll go and buy everything you want. Okay?"

She nodded her head with a small smile. I bent down and kissed her nose then her neck, in the last her forehead, which earned me a giggle from her.

I was dreading to ask a question but I wanted to ask just to be sure. I cleared my throat and looked down at her. "Baby," my voice gentle. Normally girls were uncomfortable with sharing this type of stuff but I wanted my girl to be comfortable around me and share everything to me. "Is this your time of the month?"

I had to ask her. She was having mood swings. She cried and giggled within ten fuCking minutes. And yeah  her food carving.

I've gotten to know Natalya like the back of my hand and I knew that even she was not a fan of early morning candies and chips.

And it was fuCking better to not talk about her chocolate obsession. It wouldn't be like Natalya to not eat chocolate every daMn morning.

Her back stffened before she relaxed and nodded her head, hiding her face from me.

"Hey hey, no need to hide, baby." I gently pulled her away from me to look in her eyes.

"You're not uncomfortable?" She sniffled.

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