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"FuCking bald her!"


We arrived at mine first. I sighed, looking at Darius. He gave me his swoon worthy dimpled smile.

"I wish I could spend some more time with you but now we both have to deal with their drunken aSses." He glanced at our friends at the back seat. Who were snoring and.....cuddling.

"They're our friends!"

"So?" He rolled his eyes.

"Help me take Elo inside?" I asked, getting out of the car. He followed my lead.

"But what about our date?" He asked placing his arms on the hood of the car and resting his head on them. His wild curls were a mess because of the wind.

He looks cute.

"What about it?" I asked copying his posture. He cocked a brow while I smiled at him.

"When will I take you out on a date? How about tomorrow?" He asked excitedly.

I was silent. I wanted to talk with him about something. And I wanted to talk about it before its too late.

"Natalya?" I looked straight in his green eyes.

"I...uhhhh....wanted to talk about something."

He nodded his head. "I'm listening."

"So......we're gonna date and people will know about us." He nodded his head. "I don't want that."

"I don't get it." He frowned.

"I....just don't want people to know about us."

"Why? Are you fuCking ashamed of dating me?" His frown deepened.

"What?! No! Definitely not! I'm not ashamed of dating you! Why would you even think like that?!"

"Then what's the problem?" He asked, releasing a sigh of relief.

"Adrian. Logan. These are the problems. Do you really think that Adrian would be okay with me dating you after I got my very first suspension even though it was not your fault. But you still were involved in it. And don't forget about Logan. Us being together would be like we're rubbing our relationship on his face."

"Rubbing on his face about what?" Darius asked with confusion.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't pretend that you don't know that Logan likes me. The girls told me about it."

He looked at me silently. "So now what? We can't date because of them?"

I shook my head and walked to him. I took his hand and intertwined our fingers while I placed my other hand on his arm. I looked at his beautiful eyes. "We'll just hide it for some time then eventually we'll tell them about us. I want to know about you more. And its super difficult with people knowing about us being together. Jesus! You're like some sort of celebrity here! The girls will bloody crush me for stealing you from them!"

He threw his head back in laughter. He chuckled, placing his other hand on my cheek. "Okay. I get it. We'll hide. As long as you want."

"Thank you!" I beamed at him.

"Now can I get a fuCking goodbye kiss, goodnight kiss and just a simple kiss from you?" He asked with mischievous glint in his eyes and began to lean down. My eyes widened as I felt heat creeped up on my cheeks and neck.

"B....bu.....but ou.....r fri.....ends a..re here." I mentally kicked myself for stuttering.

I sound pathetic.

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