Tyler Seguin - Dallas Stars

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Ever since kindergarten, Tyler had been your best friend. The two of you lived together ever ever since your mother passed away. You had liked him once in 3rd grade, but it was a mini crush which hadn't lasted long after he froze you in freeze tag. Tyler was the best friend you could ever ask for: he was there through heartbreak, loss, every bad thing anyone could ever imagine. Tyler had been your first kiss. Classic game of spin the bottle in the summer before going into highschool. You hoped it would be Tyler. Nobody but Tyler.

He felt the same way. From your guys' first kiss to now. Tyler always had feelings for you, but never admitted it, thinking it would break your close friendship apart.

The truth was that you may have liked him too. But no one ever knew, except for some of his teammates, who were like siblings to you. They never said a word to Tyler, though, out of respect for you. They knew he liked you too, but they decided to keep it their little secret.

Tyler was in his room on FaceTime with one of the Stars, being John Klingberg, one of his closest friends. His door was opened just a crack, so just a little eavesdropping wouldn't hurt.

"Dude, I swear, I like her so much, but she doesn't show any interest in me. Y/N is just so beautiful, kind, and amazing, but I don't want to ruin our friendship," Tyler said whining.

Your heart glowed knowing he felt that way. John just nodded his head, telling Tyler that you probably feel the same way.

"Dude, I am telling you, she will never have any interest in me. I just don't think she sees me that way, but I don't know how to get over her. I want her so bad it hurts," Tyler whined again.

You smiled and teared up, but left before Tyler could realize you were there if you sniffled. As you walked towards your room, you heard Tyler say goodbye to John then walk out of his room, most likely to the kitchen. You peered out of your room, watching as he headed towards the stairway with his head in his hands.

a couple hours later..

You and Tyler hadn't talked the whole day. He texted you and said he was going for a drive a couple hours ago, but still hadn't returned. He usually goes out when there's something on his mind. You started to get worried, so you shot him a text.

hey, ty. where u at? a bit worried haha.

hey b. im heading back now, just something on my mind. wanna watch tv when i get back in a bit? should i pick up ice cream?

okay, sounds good. we dont need ice cream, already have a lot. see u soon :)

k. see u in 10 

You set down your phone on your lap, sighing. You walked down to the kitchen to check for ice cream. And, well, there was none. There wasn't enough time to run out and get some before Tyler was home, since he was pulling in the driveway.

You sat on the couch, waiting for him to enter. He did, slowly, with roses in his hand. "Y/N?"

You turned around on the couch to face him. "Hey, Tyler. What's this for?"

"Y/N, I'm not gonna lie to you," Tyler said, shutting the door and moving closer to you, "I have had a somewhat crush on you for awhile. I tried to ignore it, but I can't. You're the only thing that goes through my mind all day everyday. I don't want this to ruin our friendship, but Y/N-"

You jumped off of the couch and grabbed his face with both of your hands, crashing your lips against his. You kissed passionately for a minute or two until he pulled away. He looked you in your eye, while tucking a strand of you hair behind your ear. "Is that a yes?"

"I'd say so. Tyler, I have feelings for you too. I didn't want to tell you, though, since I thought it might ruin what we have. And I hope it doesn't."

He smiled. "It won't, babygirl. What about that ice cream and TV?"

You laughed. "Actually, we don't have any ice cream."

He laughed as well. "Guess we'll have to do something else," Tyler said, grabbing your hand and leading you out the front door to the car. "Drive in movie date."

"I love it. So creative," you said, nudging his arm.

He smiled. "You already have me wrapped around your finger, don't you."

a/n: so this is my first imagine! hope you all enjoy, and sorry it's a bit long lol. anyways i'm excited to make more for you guys. comment requests!

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