Zach Werenski - Columbus Blue Jackets

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Lonely, isolated days turned into lonely, isolated weeks fairly quickly. With the off-season coming to a close, Zach had been doing all he could to get in shape for the season. Or had he?

Some people told you he was cheating. But how could you believe them? You loved Zach, you had been dating since high school and had a history. But maybe you and him are history now.

He had been acting weird. Going to "optional practices" every chance he could. He had been MIA at weird hours of the night, just texting you that he had gone to one of the boys' house to play video games.

Zach's absence really took a toll on your life. You moved into the guest bedroom, away from him and any 5-cent boy trolly he may have picked up from the local club. You stayed away from him as much as you could. Leaving for work hours earlier than normal, coming home later and locking yourself in the bathroom so he couldn't hear your muffled cries.

Maybe it was over. Maybe he moved on.


"Y/N!" Zach yelled while pounding on the guest bedroom door.

You slowly rose out of bed to his call. You opened the door as soon as you hit your feet. "What do you want, Zach?"

"I just wanted to let you know I'm going to Toronto for training camp tomorrow and won't be back for two weeks. You ok with that?"

"Yeah, Zach, whatever," you said, putting more pressure on the door to shut it when he opened it again.

"Y/N, what is wrong with you? You know I love you, right?"

"Sure, Zach, sure you do," you said in the most sarcastic tone possible while shutting and locking the door.

You dragged yourself over to the bed and covered yourself back up in the covers when your phone chimed. Zach. Barf.

'Im actually leaving now, got the days mixed up. See you.'

You left him on read. Something you've never done, only received. He responded right away. 'Love you too.'

But he didn't. What were you thinking, chasing him for so long to be heartbroken so quickly? You gathered your blankets over you and cried yourself back to sleep.

You woke up to the sound of your phone chiming with texts and Instagram and Snapchat notifications. You opened the first text from your mom. It was an article.


Then it hit you. It was real. Your worst nightmare come to life, but you kept reading.

Zach Werenski was spotted outside of a local bar in Columbus last night, making out with a skinny blonde who was not his girlfriend.

Last night? You glanced up at the clock on your phone. 10:36 A.M. He left last night.

You didn't want to see anything else, but you felt obliged to. You opened Instagram and checked the Blue Jackets players and WAGs stories. A bar.

In the back of Artemi Panarin's story video, you could see Zach. With his arm around a "skinny blonde who was not his girlfriend." She sure wasn't.

You had enough. Standing up from your bed once again, you marched over to your closet, ripping out duffel bags and suitcases as well as all your belongings. Without thought, you threw all of your stuff into it. Except for anything that had to do with Zach: things he bought or things he was in. They were worthless now anyways.

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