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I woke up in a large bed. It wasn't decorated but there was a bathroom to my left.

I'm assuming from the bare walls meant this was a guest room. I looked at my feet to see clothes folded.

Stupid Marcello, with his stupid house, stupid me for falling asleep in the car.

I changed out of my damp clothes and into the sweater, grabbing the black socks left out for me.

I went into the bathroom. I looked at my reflection and sighed, gosh I look like trash.

My dirty blonde, curly hair was everywhere. My caramel skin looked dull and I could tell I was coming down with something. Running around in the rain was not smart.

Because of my mother's dark skin and my fathers light skin, I came out as mixed as it got. My clear blue eyes and skin often threw people off.

My mother was from France, add that accent with her beauty and she had my father wrapped around her finger. Eventually, that screwed us all over. Being the successful businessman he was, my father met a lot of people. So did my mother, one day she decided she would run away with one of them.

I looked at my minimal freckles and brushed over them, then the bags under my eyes.

I quickly threw my hair up, before exiting the room. Time to find Marcello.

My bag wasn't in my room which meant my phone was in there. Oh hell, what does it matter? I've got no one call anyway. Except for work. I really needed to call them.

"Okay, so I just need to get my phone, call Sharon and make an excuse."I mumbled to myself, what should the excuse be?

"I was sick... no, I was sick last week. Hershel was sick... maybe. I was kidnapped maybe she'd understand that one."

"This was not kidnapping." I jumped at Marcello's voice, he had come up from behind me.

I turned and looked up at him, "you're too tall."

His eyebrow raised in question, "we can talk about my height later. Come down for breakfast."

I hurried to catch up with him, accidentally walking into his side. He didn't comment on it while I regained my balance. I sneezed quietly.

He side glanced me, "salute."

I nodded in thanks. "Marcello," I started, "when can I meet the man who sent you after me?"

"Soon mia Bella. He was very worried about you."

"I don't even know his name how worried can he be."

"You'd be surprised," we looked at each other. When our eyes met my stomach did flips for some odd reason. Ew, emotions. He just made me feel... jumpy. Maybe it's because he saved me, who knows. I mean he's severely attractive, that could be it.

I bit my lip in concern while looking at my sock covered toes. I wiggled them and giggled quietly.

When I glanced back at Marcello I saw him quirk a smile at me.

"Is the Marcello Milano smiling at me?"

He rolled his eyes and dropped his lips back into neutral. I groaned and attached myself into his arm. He had a tight navy blue button up on, and damn did it look nice.

"Oh c'mon just a little smile." I leaned into him and flashed my most charming grin I could. Dimples and everything.

He scanned my face before our eyes locked. Then he smirked.

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