Chapter 3

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‘Hey!’ Molly called for me. Just as I was about to enter my class. I thought this day couldn’t get any worse after the unexpected encounter with Rhett. But I was so wrong because now here she is to make my life no less than hell.

‘Oh, hi but bye.’ I replied abruptly and moved ahead towards the class. I’m already so much stressed with what happened earlier this morning and I don’t want to trouble myself more.

Molly's girlfriend of Rhett. They’ve been dating for two years but that’s not how I know her. She was my best friend, someone I loved and lived for. Molly, amber and I were the talk of the school back then and our trio was popularly known as ‘FLB - flirty, lusty bitches’. We didn’t name it but everyone used to call us names so we combined it and made it FLB. Half of the kids still don’t know the full form of FLB. Because that isn’t something found on the internet. It’s a personalized name coined by us. But it doesn’t matter now, because there isn’t any trio left and there won’t be another as well. Amber and I are good together, we don’t need anyone like Molly again.

I really don’t understand how she has the guts to even cross my way let alone calling for me after hurting me like hell. Dismissing the thoughts I entered my classroom.

‘You’re late Miss Jordan.’ Remarked Mr. Hayward, my English teacher. He’s the most handsome teacher of our school and almost every girl falls flat for him including me. He doesn’t even look fit for this job because of how breathtakingly gorgeous he looks. His slightly curled dark brown hairs, thick eyebrows, bristle, and full lips can make anyone’s knees go weak.  Throughout the class, his face is the only place I concentrate on. I know it’s wrong to be attracted towards the teacher but to hell with the morals when it comes to him. Though I won’t ever cross my border, that doesn’t make me less attracted towards him.  For he’s the only crush I have after harry styles.

‘I’m sorry Mr. Hayward but I got stuck in the traffic’ I replied hoping he’d buy my lie

‘Okay, take your seat and meet me after the class ends.’ He said making me more worried than before. I really hope he doesn’t know about the scene that happened this morning because if he does then it would mean a week’s suspension.

I took my seat next to Brian and started focusing on the studies for the rest of the class because if I don't then that'd only create more troubles for me and that's the last thing I want now.

Brian is my newest friend but it feels like I have known him for ages. He’s really good-looking and is the best guy I’ve ever met. He has even proposed me but as usual, I rejected his proposal because I really don’t want a relationship now. I feel scared of a relationship and Brian is really nice, I don’t want our friendship to end because of the relationship thing.

Throughout the class, Brian kept poking and pestering me with questions because this is the first time I’m this silent in class and it’s obvious he’s worried about me. But I can’t tell him that I met Rhett because he’d be really enraged hearing that and would even get into a fight with him. I don’t want that.

After about an hour the class ended, which only meant I’d have to go and meet Mr. Hayward’s. So I went inside his office hoping he’d not suspend me, even the thought of suspension is making me timorous. I wouldn’t have got into a fight with Rhett hadn’t he behaved this pathetically. I never intended to break his nose but he was talking rubbish and I couldn’t control my anger. It was his mistake.

‘I’m sorry Mr. Hayward’ I blurted even before he could say anything. I don’t want to be suspended.

‘Sorry for what Miss Jordan?’ he asked confused

‘For the morning I didn’t mean to—‘ He stopped me in the mid of the sentence.

‘It’s okay Miss Jordan, you just got stuck in the traffic. Not a big deal. ‘He comforted.

So I ain’t getting the suspension. This relieved me. Then why has he called me?

‘Well, I called you just to ask if you could manage to stay back after school for extra credit?’ he continued.

‘Yes, of course, Mr. Hayward. Thank you!’ I replied excitedly.

After discussing the assignment for extra credit I left his office. Finally some good news for the day I thought. But just as I was about to exit the school I heard footsteps following me. I turned back to see it was Rhett and Molly.

‘THE GAME HAS JUST STARTED SWEETHEART’ Molly chuckled from behind.




It's just started, guys!!

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