Chapter 6

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It’s been over a month since the incident took place. It still haunts me sometimes but now I’ve become habitual of the pain. It doesn’t hurt. Maybe.

It wasn’t something I deserved but we don’t usually get what we ask for. So it’s okay. I’ve become more acceptable to the world since then.

If there had been someone else at my place they would have completely cut themselves out of this world and may have lost all the hopes from the world. But I see the world differently. I still have hope in me and I know there’s someone waiting for me at some corner of this prodigious world.

All of my friends say I live in fantasies but I think I’ve different philosophies.

It isn’t like I don’t get hurt or feel broken, I do. It’s just crying over something won’t help me to get through. Almost a fortnight I spent in depression but I managed to come out of it and see the world with the same profoundness.

It was tough at first but my mother’s childhood lessons about life helped me throughout. She’s a really strong woman and she always taught me to be strong and independent. So every time I felt weak I looked at her and that gave me the strength to face the hell. It helped overcome the agony and distress.

Tonight amber and I decided to go out to some club which amber told me has a great ambiance but she called off the plan at last because Niall asked her out on a date and she couldn’t say no.

So I called Brian to ask if he was free and we could hang out together and thankfully he agreed.

So I got dressed in a striped skater dress that subtly complimented my curves and I paired it with nude colored wedges. I let my hairs fall down on my shoulders and applied a little makeup just to complete the look.

“Are you ready?” Brian asked knocking on the door.

“Yeah yeah! I’m ready. You can come inside” I chuckled.

He looked dapper in a white button up and grey jeans. I’ve never seen him dressed in t-shirts and it’s actually better because I don’t find t-shirts attractive.

“You’re looking sexy” he complimented before I could.

“Thank you. You don’t look any less.” I replied

“Thanks, now let’s get going,” he said

We both went out to his car and he chivalrously opened the door for me to let me in. I don’t understand this concept. I can surely open the doors myself. But he was nice to do so.

The club wasn’t much crowded so we got inside easily and I went straight to the bar while Brian went on to talk to one of his friends. I ordered myself a martini and settled myself on the sofa next to the bar.

It was when my eyes met the most beautiful ones I'd ever seen.

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