Chapter Six: Close Calls and Death Threats

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WHATEVER COLOUR THEIR FACES HAD HAD DRAINED AWAY, and they started to look like cartoon characters. Will's handsome face turned an eerie sort of green, Jade's face had paled and become entirely white- which made the slight dusting of freckles on her face stand out like inkblots, Kai's face had taken a distinct shade of purple, Theo had his head down and was pacing the length of the room.

Shay's legs were rooted to the ground, her world whirled around her. Panic washed her body like a tide, and she found herself being suffocated. She felt like walls were closing in on her, oxygen not quite reaching her lungs.

Kai willed himself to move and scanned the whole room, his eyes finally landing on the cabinet. He opened the drawers of the cabinet and rummaged through the contents, then drew something out.

He stared at it then raised it so that the others could see it. It was black, with a pointed edge. A gun.

"What are you going to do with that?" Rose asked what Shay wanted to ask, but her throat felt closed up. Rose's voice was uneven. Shay paced the length of the room, her hands gripping the edge of her spotless white suit. Her knuckles turned white, but Shay didn't feel any pain.

"What else?" Kai's shrugged as he told them. Jade's eyes widened, "Are you going to shoot them?"

Another shrug. "Not really." Kai's voice was light, but Shay could sense the tight tension in it. He was trying to lighten the pressure. Will had zipped open their duffel bags and handed each of them to the other guys. Questions flooded into Shay's mind, but she didn't ask them out. She knew it wasn't the time for questions, so she kept them to herself, they were eating her mind.

Shay trusted them. She trusted whatever they had in their minds.

The siren was still wailing. It was too loud for Shay's liking. One part of her wanted to cover her ears and curl up in a corner, another part wanted to scream until the siren would stop ringing. It was loud enough to wake the people of the neighbouring Isles.

Kai beckoned them towards the door without a bolt, and they start piling things up against the door. They knew it was futile, but it would buy them some time.

Shay heard the sound of faint footsteps of many people over the loud siren, and her breath was knocked out of her lungs, even though she knew it was coming, and she prepared herself for it.

The guys pulled out some masks and handed some to the girls too. They drew their hoodies over their faces as the girls covered their faces with their hair, creating a curtain separating them from the rest of the world.

Shay scanned the whole room for any signs of escape, and she found herself staring at a large window with the others. Before they could formulate any plan, they heard a crashing noise. Shay stared in horror as the guards swarmed inside the room, pointing their guns at them.

In the midst of the thoughts, Shay didn't realize that they had positioned themselves in a strange manner. Will, Kai, and, Theo stood behind Shay, Rose, and Jade respectively. Over the chaos, she heard Theo whisper. "Plan B." He said.

There was only one problem: Shay didn't know what the hell Plan B was.

Will pulled Shay towards him, her back against his chest. She gasped. She didn't even notice the knife Will put against her neck. His other arm was around her waist, his grip gentle.

She could feel his hot breath on the back of her neck, his hair tickling her. She felt and heard the rapid hammering of Will's heart over the sound of her heart pounding against her chest. Shay didn't move, she didn't look anywhere. She kind of had a hunch that Jade was being held by Theo in the same way, Rose by Kai.

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