Chapter Seven: Couldn't Resist The Temptation

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WILL BLINKED ONCE, TWICE, THRICE. He was relieved by the fact that his nightmares decided to have mercy on him by not replaying the same dream over and over again this night.

When he opened his eyes again, they met harsh sunlight. Will was confused. He never opened curtains in his room, so why was he facing sunlight?

He cautiously opened his eyes again, squinting. Will was laying on the beach, his whole body was stiff. Strange, he thought. That never happens to me.

He looked over to see Kai and Theo smirking at him, the girls chuckling slightly. Theo and Jade were on either side of him, soft blasts of white flash indicating they were taking photos of Will. Okay, now Will was officially curious. What was happening?

He felt disoriented till the memories of last night flooded back to him. Sneaking inside Aquariaa, getting those files, almost getting caught, Shay singing: her sweet voice lulling him back to sleep. He guessed that Kai and Theo dropping Will off here on the coast after hauling him up till there, after he fell asleep.

He felt weird. All of them were staring at him intensely, and it made him feel uncomfortable. Why were they staring at him like that? "Oh, he's awake," Jade said, peering down at him. Will rolled his eyes, didn't they notice till now after all that staring that he was awake?

Shay knelt beside him, looking as beautiful as always. A frown replaced the usual breathtaking and beautiful smile on her face. Her eyebrows were furrowed, a worried expression on her face. A stray lock of hair made its way toward her face and Will's hand itched to push it back for her.

She seemed to be the only person looking concerned, but why was she concerned? "Will," she started. "Please don't get up. We made it with so much effort."

That was when Will realized that his body felt heavier and stiffer. He looked down at himself and realized that they made a sandcastle on top of his body. On top of his body.

"What is wrong with you guys?" Will shouted, still staring at his body which was entirely covered with sand. They didn't leave his ears too. They just left his mouth and his eyes. A pinch of sand on his nose. Knowing his friends, he was sure that his hair was filled with sand, just to piss him off. His hair. He could already feel the hours he is gonna spend bathing to wash the sand away.

All of them burst out laughing, Shay mustered a small, apologetic and amused smile. Done with their laughing, they knelt beside Will and begged him not to get up and destroy their efforts. "Should've done that before cueing the evil laughter," Will grumbled under his breath.

When Shay pleaded, he sighed and gave in.

"Alright. How much time should I lay here for birds to caw my ears out? Huh, how about getting washed away by the waves?" He asked, glaring at Kai who was ruffling Will's hair— just to irritate him further.

"How about... forever?" Kai grinned widely.

"The hell with that, I'mma stand up right now," Will said, but before he could make a move, everyone was pinning him to the ground. Will groaned but gave in.

"What the hell have I gotten myself into?"


Will huffed. When everyone were too busy manufacturing giant sandcastles on Will, they totally forgot they had school the next day. So here they were, a typical day at school, facing an angry teacher-in-charge.

The man standing in front of him didn't like Will or any of the others, seizing the opportunity, he had cornered him and his friends in the corridor.

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