Chapter Thirty: Bad Blood

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THE PLACE WAS ENTIRELY EMPTY, JUST LIKE WILL'S heart was. All of them had split up and searched the entire place, but there was no sign of Rose. Nothing that could indicate that she had been there. Will's phone vibrated against his thigh and he removed it, squinting at the bright screen. He closed his eyes, then slowly opened one of them, then another.

It was a message from Rose.

The relief that had flowed through Will almost made him fall onto his knees. He unlocked his phone with his fingerprint hastily and tapped on the notification. Their group chat had opened up, and Rose had sent a picture. He tapped his leg against the ground as he waited for the picture to download. He was smiling with obvious relief.

Rose must've been some bird, Will thought. He was giddy with relief. Or she might be challenging them to find her-

Will's blood ran cold as he stared at the picture. A chill went up his spine, and his heart throbbed painfully against his chest. He heard Shay choke out a sob and Jade's sudden intake of breath.

Sitting in what seemed like a car with her head against the tinted glass was Rose.


Her black attire made her ginger hair escaping the braids look even more bright, her face even paler, and the purple bruise on her forehead even more prominent. There was a cloth wrapped around her mouth, her hands were tied together. Theo dropped his phone onto the grass and a sob escaped Shay's mouth. Kai's shoulders were shaking with, his fists punching the ground and Jade had tears rolling down her cheeks.

Will's phone vibrated again. He was petrified with fear and terror, staring at the phone as if it would consume him. But he unlocked his phone gingerly, and there was another message from Rose.


Call the police and your pretty friend's neck will be slit open. Do what I say and your friend will be safe. Try to disobey me, not only you will find your friend dead by tomorrow morning but all your loved ones.

Will's breath was knocked out of him. Oh, my god, he thought desperately. His knees felt like bags of water as he stumbled backwards, his back hitting a wall. Another message popped up, making it hard for Will to breathe.


You have a little sister, don't you Kai? Do you love her?

Oh, no. No, no, no. Not Emily. Not little Emily. Kai started gasping for oxygen and Will's head snapped up, breaking out of his trance-like state. He darted towards his best friend, dropping his phone onto the ground. Kai's chest was heaving as Will took him by the shoulders, "Breathe, Kai. Come on, deep breaths, remember? Take a deep breath for me, buddy."

Kai took Will's hand and squeezed it tightly as his breaths became more regular. "Oh, Will," Kai cried onto Will's shoulder who hugged him tighter as a tear escaped from his own eyes. He couldn't lose his best friend. He didn't want to lose his best friend.

His mom, Tyler, George, and now, Rose's life is in their hands, their actions defining her fate. This is cruel, very cruel. Life is cruel, Will thought as his phone vibrated again. An incoming voice call from Rose.

One part of Will wanted to grab the phone, scream at the person who called them until his throat felt hoarse. But another part of Will wanted to crawl inside the empty and dark house, hiding and staying in the darkness to find reassurance in it. They stared at the phone on the wild grass, as if it would spit poison. None of them made a move to retrieve it.

It was Jade who took a shaky breath and took the phone in her hand with trembling hands, picking the call on speaker and waiting for the person to speak.

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