(5) Jae's Sort of Solo VLive???

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    Despite the many days full of tiring yet exciting activities, Jae always seems to find time for the people she cared about and that's what people seemed to love the most about her

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    Despite the many days full of tiring yet exciting activities, Jae always seems to find time for the people she cared about and that's what people seemed to love the most about her. She was passionate about her work, but tried her best to somehow always include those she found important into her day. Like now as she placed the phone into what she thought was the perfect position, started the live, and then ran out of the room to quickly get what she needed while her precious ATINY filed in to see who they'd be interacting with that day.

    A few moments later an upbeat voice was heard before anyone was seen, "ATINY!", it called out to the rising number of viewers. The eggshell colored wall's absence was soon replaced with a girl wearing a teal colored hoodie. Pulling out the chair for herself, she quickly placed the bag of snacks to the side of the table and flashed a smile towards the camera, "ATINY! It's been a while hasn't i- wait is this?...", she trailed off for a moment, her eyes squinting a bit as she leaned forward to confirm that the live had indeed started. "Ah...it's nice to see all of you again as well. How have I been? I've been working hard for all of you! How are you?" Spreading her arms out towards the camera she knew that if she smiled any harder her cheeks were going to be sore. Calming herself down a bit she reached into the bag that she set to the side and pulled out a few things, "Ah, I see a lot of positivity today which is great."

    Leaning forward, on to the table, she read and answered a few of the questions until finally coming to one that reminded her of what she had brought in when she started the live, What's in the bag? Clothes? Snacks? Is it a surprise? "Oh, it is snacks! I've got a two bags of chips, a soda, and my favorite candy today. I couldn't find it when I went to the store last time, but somehow Yeosang found them and brought them back for me earlier." Smiling at the memory of Yeosang giving her the candy, she he held up the chocolate Kit Kat for ATINY to see before suddenly covering her mouth in attempt to suppress her laughter as she no longer looked away at the phone but towards the now open door. "May I help you?", the smile on her face grew as she looked around at the four boys who piled themselves into the room, she wasn't sure if it was to say hello to ATINY or to try and annoy her, but she didn't really care if she were being honest.

    Days like this were sometimes her favorite and she couldn't wait for more days like this to come and just remind her of why she's doing this. She's doing it for her members, for ATINY! She works hard for them and on their days off she does her best to spend time with them... Like a big family that's not actually related I guess you could say. Feeling an arm go around her shoulder she snapped out of her daze before following the arm to the source, Mingi, she blinked a few times having not realized that she the loudness around her had become muffled as if they weren't even in the same room. She had zoned out again and come out of it just in time to feel Mingi's arm slip away and catch sight of the three youngest wave to the phone then leave the room with both bags of chips. "Hey! My chips! Woo- Guys! Really?" Everything had happened so fast that she hadn't realized that she was now left with her soda, which one of the boys had opened and taken a drink from, and just two pieces of her Kit Kat left.

    Trying to hide how amused she really was with the situation she gave a pout, gazing at the phone as if she were begging ATINY for help, "Sannie!" She called out just before he left the room causing him to laugh a bit, stop in his tracks and turn on his heel. Opening her arms towards him, she expected a hug but was met with nothing but surprise as she watched him take a piece of her Kit Kat and grab the soda from off of the table. With a quick kiss to the top of her head and a nod towards the phone he left the room to be filled with silence, one piece of a Kit Kat, and a shocked Jae. "ATINY wouldn't treat me like this!", jokingly holding up the last piece of chocolate, she took a bite out of it before saying some last words, waved goodbye to the viewers and ended the live. Little did they all know that this meant war.

(I didn't read this to check for errors so if there are some then I truly apologize and hope you still enjoyed! Happy Easter everyone! 🐣)

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