(6) Jae's Habits!

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Running her hand through her hair;
A habit she's had since she was a little girl that started all because she wanted bangs and didn't realize how much she was going to dislike them. Basically even if there's no hair in her face she'll still allow her fingers to glide through her hair without even taking notice to the action.

Randomly dancing;
There can be no music playing and she'll still start to just dance anywhere that she is. She's supposed to be standing still? She feels the need to dance. Her and the boys are walking down the street? She has to run in front of the group and start dancing. She doesn't know why she does it, but Yunho and San, mainly Yunho, encourage her so it's all good!

Locking her arm with another members;
It became a form of comfort to her and it's something she does when walking through big crowds or just standing next to one of the boys. She can't help put lock her arm with which ever boy is next to her and lean against them to calm herself.

Speaking in English;
There are times where she accidentally speaks English when she's supposed to be speaking Korean. Like the time where Yunho asked her a question and she answered in English and he just stared at her confused as to why she spoke in English with him. She hadn't noticed until a few seconds after and they both kind of just laughed about it.

Scrunching her nose;
She hadn't noticed that she scrunched her nose a lot until an ATINY pointed it out at a fansign and immediately told her never to apologize for it since she thought it was the most adorable thing she'd ever seen. Now sometimes she catches herself doing it and can't help but laughs a bit while covering her face feeling a little embarrassed.

Touching Hongjoong's hair;
It hadn't become a habit until the mullet appeared. She had seen quite a few mullets before but none like Hongjoong's. She loved the feel of it, the color of it, and absolutely loved that it made him stand out! Plus he may or may not like it when she plays with his hair...the world may never know for sure!

Blank face/Poker face;
Resting bitch face oN POINT! She honestly doesn't mean to do it, it just sort of happens? She's been trying to work on stopping it from happening so that she can seem more approachable, but that's a bit hard when she's constantly around eight boys who bring out that side of her.

Hiding behind the other members;
She's tiny. We know this. They know this. So it's not that hard for her to suddenly disappear behind one of the boys when she's nervous, scared, or just a tad bit too excited about something and she knows she needs to calm down.

Stealing Mingi's hoodies/jumpers;
They're comfy and they're hers now. Simple as that really. One day she had left her hoodie in her room and his was the only one to be found, close enough for her to reach and comfortable enough for her to nap in. He knows she has a favorite hoodie of his and tends to leave it out for her thinking she'll assume he accidentally left it out once again, but she knows he leaves it out just for her.

Zoning out;
She tends to over think certain things and it shows during interviews, VLives, episodes of KQ Fellaz, Code Name is ATEEZ and WANTED. She won't notice until after or she'll automatically snap out of it if someone touches her, jumping at the sudden feeling.

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