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The atmosphere was pretty cold as Jeonghan waited outside the shop for Mrs Choi. They had already arranged to meet and Jeonghan was finished with his shift. He didn't know what he was doing really. He felt like he must be going crazy. What did he think he was going to achieve with a widower and five sons. He sighed. He wasn't sure but he knew there was something more to his life than serving food at a restaurant and waiting for that ass hole to return.

Finally, the old woman arrived, climbing out of a cab. She wore a huge coat hurrying towards him. As soon as she reached, she took a deep breath.

"I'm so sorry. I was busy with those kids"

Jeonghan smiled "Don't worry, I haven't been waiting long"

The woman nodded and took his hand dragging him towards a long bench close to the big restaurant window. They both sat down and proceeded to begin talking.

"So are you really sure about this?"

Jeonghan breathed deeply. "Truthfully, I'm scared. I don't really know what I'm doing but I really feel like I should do this"

"I's quite difficult"

There was silence for a while until Mrs Choi broke it. "Jeonghan, are you in any relationship?"

The short haired blonde froze instantly. He grew tense and Mrs Choi realized she must have asked the wrong question.
"I'm sorry...."

Jeonghan gulped "No it's okay" he paused. "Actually, I was in a serious relationship until three years ago"

He gave a painful laugh. "We were going to get married but he just got up one day and left without a single word"

"Just like that?"

Jeonghan nodded. He was trying so hard to hold back his tears. He sniffed, his face turning red.

"I haven't had anything serious with anyone since then. I found it so difficult to open my heart to anyone else" His voice was cracking. "But I'm tired of waiting. I want to move on and I want to try doing so with your family"

Mrs Choi listened raptly until she spoke again "Why?"

Jeonghan looked thoughtful for a moment. "Well, I guess when I met Seungcheol for the first time, he had this kind of pain in his eyes, a pain I could relate to and I felt sorry that he had to take care of five kids all on his own...also he feels kind of familiar" he gave a small laugh. "I guess that's why"

Mrs Choi bit her lips "What about your parents?"

Jeonghan ran a hand over his hair "I have none. They both passed away when I was thirteen. I lived with my aunt till I was twenty then I started working and living on my own"

"I'm sorry to hear that but did you still go to the university"

Jeonghan nodded "Yeah, I went to Seol university where I studied fashion and design. I always wanted to be a fashion designer but that ship has long sailed"

Mrs Choi smiled. "But you can still become what you want"

Jeonghan frowned "I don't want to have high hopes for a dream that will never come to pass"

Mrs Choi was quiet for some time before she broke it.

"Would you like to marry my son?" Mrs Choi said, her eyes widening.

Jeonghan laughed nervously "I don't think marriage is in my cards right now but I do want to help him and his kids"

Mrs Choi took his hand squeezing it in between her own. "My son is a really good man. I wish that you will see that and decide that you want to be with him" she sighed sorrowfully "All I want is for my little boy to be happy again. It has been so long since I saw him laugh"

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