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Jeonghan looked at Seungcheol who had just arrived. He patted Chan gently, waking him up slowly. As soon as he was up, he carried the boy, placing him on one of his hips as he woke the other children.

"Appa!" Seungkwan said as soon as they were awake. The other kids greeted their father and he nodded.

"Have you eaten?"

Jeonghan cut in "They ate jjangjangyum for lunch. I have some leftovers in the fridge. Will you like some?"

Seungcheol frowned "Ani, don't bother"

Jeonghan nodded "what about dinner?"

seungcheol sighed deeply "I said, don't bother about me. Make sure the kids eat first" He looked at the children for some seconds then headed upstairs. Jeonghan knew he was in a bad mood but he couldn't be bothered with that. He was already late for his second job. He dropped Chan and flew to the kitchen immediately Seungkwan followed him.

"Go to your room. I'll soon be through"

"Let me help you open the packs. It will be easier" The boy said. Jeonghan smiled in agreement and set the water to boil while Seungkwan opened the ramyeon packs. When he was through, Jeonghan began to cook the food.

"Kimchi!" Seungkwan yelled loudly and Jeonghan smiled "of course, kimchi always goes well with Ramyeon"

It wasn't long before everything was done and Seungkwan set the table.

"And Appa, isn't he eating?"

Jeonghan sighed. "Your father doesn't want to eat"

Seungkwan looked thoughtful "But he likes ramyeon though"

He ran upstairs and Jeonghan knew he was going to pressure Seungcheol to eat. He sighed tiredly.

The other kids were now at the table and Jeonghan placed their food on it.

"wow, daebak! It looks delicious" Vernon exclaimed. Seokmin almost started eating but Jeonghan stopped him "We have to wait for your brother and father"

"But I'm hungry" The eldest child cried.

Seungkwan entered, dragging a reluctant Seungcheol by the hand.

"Look they are here," Jeonghan said and Seungcheol entered with a brooding face. He sat at the other end of the table looking uninterested.

"Now we can eat," Jeonghan said and they all began. From a corner of his eyes, he watched Seungcheol. He seemed to devour the food like a wild animal. He must have been so busy he didn't have time to eat and was too tired so he came straight home. Seungcheol suddenly caught him watching and Jeonghan noticed how he turned red. He four that was so cute.

Jeonghan fed both himself and Chan and throughout, he felt Seungcheol's eyes all over him. They all finished their meal and Jeonghan decided it was time to sleep. He stood up and carried a drowsy Chan to his room first before he returned for the others.

"It's time for bed"

Seungcheol stood up. "I'll take them"

He brought out his arms, a sign for Jeonghan to give him his youngest son.

"oh... Okay," Jeonghan muttered and handed the child over.

"Wait for me" Seungcheol whispered and left with the other kids behind him. They waved him goodnight and they were soon gone from his sight

Jeonghan cleared the table and washed the dishes. He was almost done when Seungcheol entered the kitchen.

"meet me in the living room," he said in a dry off-hand manner and left. Jeonghan scoffed and continued what he was doing. When he finished, he left for the living room. Seungcheol was sitting in a single armchair. He gestured for Jeonghan to sit at the other one opposite him and the blonde did. Seungcheol was about to talk but Jeonghan was faster

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