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Jeonghan worked diligently for that week and spoke to Mrs. Choi. He knew she was dying to know if Seungcheol was getting interested in him but it didn't look that way. The man barely looked at him and each time he did, it was always cold and distant. Besides whatever attraction Jeonghan once had for him, he was sure already faded. He was only interested in the children.

It was Saturday. Jeonghan packed some of his clothes and personal items. He was going to spend the weekend since the kids would be home. That morning, he went to the house all packed and pressed the doorbell. There was no response so he used his spare key to open the house. Seungcheol jumped in fright when he saw him. He was holding a wine bottle and drinking but he looked really sexy wearing a tight black tanktop and jean trousers, the trouser hugged his frame. Jeonghan could feel a slight bit of attraction simply by looking at him.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'll be staying weekends. I thought your mother told you" Jeonghan said

Seungcheol ran a hand over his hair, frowning "No, my mother didn't tell me and I don't think you can stay for the weekend. I can take care of the kids myself"

Jeonghan just scoffed looking from him to the bottle to the bottle in his hand.

"Drinking this early in the morning?"

He took a deep breath, looking impatient.

"As I said before, mind your business" he grumbled.

At that moment, they heard a loud cry from upstairs. Jeonghan dropped his bag on the living room couch and raced upstairs followed by Seungcheol. The cry was coming from the youngest children's room. Jeonghan looked and saw Chan on the floor surrounded by his brothers. His face was filled with tears as he held his left leg.

"What happened?" Jeonghan asked he knelt to him and held him in his arms.

"He was sleeping then he suddenly fell and started crying," Seungkwan said.

Seungcheol carried Chan. "I'll take him to the hospital"

"I'm coming too"

"No, stay here and look after the other kids," Seungcheol said

"I said I'm coming with you," he said stubbornly.

Seungcheol glared at him but he was unrelenting. Instead, he glanced at the kids.

"They can come with us," he said.

Seungcheol rolled his eyes "I don't think it's that serious"

Jeonghan secretly pinched Vernon and Minghao who was nearer to him.

"Appa, we'll go to the hospital with Chan" They chorused.

Seungcheol sighed "Alright, wash your face brush your teeth," he said. Jeonghan stroke Chan's hair as Seungcheol held the sobbing child. The man looked at him and he looked back. Their eyes met and Jeonghan swore he could feel the rush of electricity all over his body. He hadn't felt this way in a long time. Was he liking this jerk again? He pulled his eyes away first.

"I'm so sorry...I was just really worried about him"

Seungcheol didn't answer. He seemed uncomfortable and just shrugged. The kids were through and they rushed out without eating breakfast because Chan was complaining of pain. The hospital wasn't that far. Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and the children rushed in and a nurse met them.

"What's wrong with your son?" She asked and that question did not fail to grab Jeonghan's attention. Was she referring to them, he and Seungcheol as Chan's parents?  But Seungcheol didn't seem to notice. If he did, he didn't care.

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