iv. aslan

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"Aslan? It's Aslan! It's Aslan over there!", she yelled making everyone turn around. "Well, can't you see? He's right... there."

But no one saw anything. Reagan didn't know who or what Aslan was, but she was sure that he, she or it wasn't there. However, it broke her heart to see how little Lucy's smile faded as she talked.

"Do you see him now?", Trumpkin asked insensibly.

"I'm not crazy," the younger Pevensie stated, looking as she was about to cry, "he was there. He wanted us to follow him."

"I'm sure there are any number of lions in this wood. Just like that bear," Peter consoled her little sister. Anyway, Lucy did not seem willing to drop the matter so fast.

"I think I know Aslan when I see him", she angrily replied, nearly offended. Reagan didn't know what she meant, but seeing her face, she believed her no doubt. Lucy didn't seem like the kind to invent things.

"Look, I'm not about to jump off a cliff after someone who doesn't exist", Trumpkin continued, again not taking into account poor Lucy's feelings. She seemed very fond of whoever Aslan was and Trumpkin's behaviour did not help to calm the young girl.

"The last time I didn't believe Lucy, I ended up looking pretty stupid," Edmund intervened and started walking again, just after flashing a harsh look to his brother. All of them, except Lucy and Peter, who stayed back talking a little more, followed him.

"I'm sorry if I sound extremely uncultured but, who is Aslan?", Reagan asked hoping they would answer and not get angry at her. She had wanted to ask a lot of things during the journey, but was afraid to sound stupid or to bother them.

"Doesn't matter because it's all a legend now", Trumpkin answered her roughly. This made Reagan feel quite embarrassed for her lack of knowledge about the beautiful place she was in, but she couldn't help it. She wasn't even sure how she was going to get back home. God, she wasn't even sure if she could ever return.

"He was an old friend of ours," Edmund explained shortly and quietly, "but it has been a long time since we have last seen him."

"How long it has been since you last were here in Narnia?"

"Only a few years for us, hundreds for the Narnians. Time works differently here," he explained to the girl who was walking beside him. However, he did not look at her at any time.

"And why did you not come back earlier? I mean, just how you went back home, you could have come back here, right?"

"You cannot just come back to Narnia as you please, we got back home by accident. Finding the place by which we entered," the raven-haired boy continued.

"But... but how am I supposed to find the pond again? This place is gigantic. God, there are even various forests. What if I can't go back home?", Reagan started panicking, worried that she would not be able to go back home and see her family ever again.

"Don't worry about that," Edmund chuckled at the sight of the girl, "Aslan works in very mysterious ways. I'm sure you would be able to go back home if that is your fate. Or maybe you're destined to stay here. Whichever the case is, in Narnia nothing happens by accident, although we may think so."

During the talk, they had arrived to yet another forest. Or maybe it was the same one, Reagan didn't know. But what she knew is that suddenly, everyone was getting down, hiding behind a pile of trunks.

"What's happening?", she asked confused. A lot of men were cutting down trees and building some sort of bridge to get somewhere. Suddenly, a hand was put over her mouth and got her down.

"Can you be quiet?", the owner of the hand asked whispering, "you're going to get all of us killed if they hear or see us."

"But who are they?", she asked looking at the brown eyes of the boy beside her.

"Telmarines. They invaded Narnia when they left," Trumpkin explained angrily, signalling the siblings with his head.

"Perhaps this wasn't the best way after all," Susan admitted. After that, they all carefully returned to the gorge hoping to find another path to get through.

"Where do you think you saw Aslan?", Peter asked his little sister.

"I wish you'd all stop acting like grown-ups. I didn't think I saw him, I did see him," she speaks while situating herself on the edge of the cliff, "It was right around..."

But before she could even finish her sentence, the ground collapsed under her, making Lucy scream in panic, fearful of falling to her death. The others rushed over, worried sick, just to see her sitting safely just a few feet down. There started a narrow path going slantwise down into the gorge.

Carefully, Edmund and Trumpkin descended first, followed by Peter who helped the other two girls get down. After thanking him, Reagan started walking besides Susan.

It wasn't a long time before the sun started going down, so they decided to light a fire and sleep there.

Reagan laid down, with her hand behind her head, looking at the Narnian sky. Never in her life had she seen such an amazing land. Every single bit of it that she discovered, amazed her even more.

She could hear the two Pevensie sisters chatting softly, but before she could even figure out what they were saying, she fell asleep, tired from all the walking done that day. She did not even care that she was sleeping on the ground and slightly cold due to the shortness of her dress, which came only below her knee.

A few hours lately, she felt someone shaking her.

"Reagan, Reagan wake up! You have to see this! Aslan is here!", it was Lucy, whispering for her to wake up and accompany her somewhere. The girl opened her eyes and decided to go with her, not wanting her new friend to get mad. She smoothed the dress she was wearing and walked with the little girl towards Aslan.

"Aslan?", the Pevensie girl muttered after hearing a growl. But she couldn't pronounce any more words because the two girls were dragged back by someone covering their mouths. The girls opened their eyes on a sign of extreme panic, but relaxed after seeing who the people were.

The two Pevensie boys put a finger over their lips, signaling for them to be quiet, and Peter got his sword out before walking up the forest, where a Minotaur was pacing up and down.

Before Peter could get to the creature, someone yelled and two swords collided.

𝐊𝐈𝐃 - 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now