x. reagan

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     "Aslan, may I talk to you?", the now-princess approached the lion when he got where she was. He accepted without any kind of hesitation and both headed towards the yard. To Reagan, it was astonishing how the lion moved, ever so calmly and peaceful, seeming like nothing could bother him.

     "Ask anything you need, dear one."

     "Why am I here? I am not a good fighter, I could not help with the plans... I am completely grateful though, do not take me wrong, but why?", she urged looking at him.

     "You are here because you are needed. Maybe you do not realize it now, but you will see it, eventually."

     "And did I accomplish my task?", Reagan inquired curious, although she was praying for Aslan to say she had. 

      "Indeed, and you accomplished it amazingly," he agreed, "but your tasks here have not finished, little one."

     "They haven't? So I won't be going back home?", the girl asked once more.

     "Not yet. But you will. Now, the Narnians need a princess, don't they?", Aslan spoke.

     "And will I make a good one?", Reagan questioned worried, she wasn't prepared for that. Caspian had had a training, but her? 

     "That depends on you solely, Reagan. But I believe you will, and if you need help, just ask for it, it does not make you weak to seek help." Aslan advised her, "for the moment, I need to talk with Peter and Susan, so I will be leaving you now."

     Reagan nodded and Aslan walked away from her, just when Edmund approached her.

     "Good afternoon, princess," he saluted making a bow, mocking the first time they met, "how are you feeling?"

     "Good afternoon, your Majesty," she imitated him, laughing, "to be honest, overwhelmed. Aslan says I am needed here, but I don't know how to be a princess! Everything is so... weird. The crown feels odd in my head and all of this cheering and everything... I don't deserve it, Ed. After all, what did I do? Nearly get myself killed."

     "Do not worry about it, my lady, I will gladly teach you. And I am sure Lucy and Susan will help you too, you will make an outstanding princess. I know it's weird at first, but you will get used to it."

     Reagan hugged the King and, just as Edmund was about to speak, Caspian came to tell them that Aslan had required for all to assemble, so they did as told, leaving the conversation for another time. They would have all the time in the world to talk about everything and anything.

      Outside the castle, all the remaining Telmarines and Narnians were gathered; Edmund and Reagan off to a side, watching Caspian speak.

     "Narnia belongs to the Narnians just as it does to man. Any Telmarnies who want to stay and live in peace are welcome to. And for any of you who wish, Aslan will return you to the home of our forefathers," he proclaimed solemnly, letting shine his beautiful Spanish accent.

     "It has been generations since we left Telmar," a Telmarine spoke from the audience.

     "We are not referring to Telmar. Your ancestors were sea-faring brigands, pirates run aground on an island. There they found a cave, a rare chasm that brought them here from their world, the same world," Aslan explained looking over at the Pevensies, "as our kings and queens. It is to that island I can return you. It is a good place for any who wish to make a new start."

     Some of the Telmarines accepted Aslan's offer, and he promised them a good future on the new land. However, not everyone trusted the lion.

     "How do we know he is not leading us to our deaths?!", another Telmarine yelled.

     "Sire, if my example can be of any service, I will take eleven mice though with no delay," Reepicheep offered. But Peter and Susan looked at each other and then, the older Pevensie stepped forward and talked.

     "We'll go," he determined making Edmund, Lucy and Reagan open their eyes in surprise.

     "We will?", the Just King asked confused.

     "Come on. Our times up," his brother replied offering Caspian his sword, "after all, we're not really needed here anymore."

     Reagan took Edmund's hand, not wanting to let her best friend go. She was truly lost if she did not have the raven-haired boy by her side.

     "I'm afraid that's just it. ... We're not coming back,"

     "We're not?", Lucy looked at Susan after her statement.

     "You two are," Peter explained looking back at Aslan, "At least, I think he means you two."

     "But why? Did they do something wrong?", Lucy looked at the lion too.

     "Quite the opposite, dear one. But all things have their time. Your brother and sister have learned what they can from this world. Now it's time for them to live on their own."

     Everybody started saying their goodbyes. Reagan hugged Lucy, Susan and Peter shortly and then, turned to Edmund, launching herself at his arms and staying there longer than with his brother and sisters. Tears started forming in her eyes, not ready to let the boy go back to the real world. Although Narnia was just as real as Finchley was, but for the girl, everybody still felt like a dream.

     "You told me you were going to teach me to be a princess," she cried on Edmund's shoulder, "please don't go. Can't we try to convince Aslan to let you stay? Please, Edmund. I... I don't know. I will give up my crown or whatever, but please don't leave me."

     "Aslan knows what he's doing, Re. I am sure we will be back in no time, you'll see," he calmed her rubbing her back, "and you have Caspian here to teach you to be an amazing princess."

"I am going to miss you, Edmund. Thank you for everything. I would be dead by now had it not been for you," she laughed, tears still on her eyes.

     Reagan then took out her bracelet, one she had worn for years, and handed it to Edmund. He looked at her, smiling, and took the bracelet from her hands, a single tear rolling down his cheek. He took off his ring and gave it to her.

     "Take this, so you won't forget me," he whispered to her.

     "I could never," she looked at him in the eyes, "come back soon, please."

     "Sooner than you expect," he assured and hugged her again. After a minute, he let her go and joined his brother and sisters. Just before trespassing, Susan turned around and kissed Caspian, making Reagan squeal in surprise.

      Then, the Pevensies started walking through the trees, while Reagan looked at them with tears still on her eyes. Just before Edmund went away, he looked over at Reagan, smiled and vanished from Narnia, Aslan knows for how long.

    Back in England, the Pevensies appeared again at the train station.

     "Did you tell her?"

     "No, she had a lot on her mind."

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