Chapter 8

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Alexia's POV

I woke up from a quite pleasant sleep.
I was sleeping on a bed then I remembered everything. Landon combing my hair, our little chat and how I peacefully slept beside him...

God if I hadn't been so tired I would've given him one good fight.

I tried to sit up but felt an arm restricting my movements...God, why is his arm so strong!
I tried to release myself from him but ended with him increasing his strength and now I'm partially under him. Great...just great...

I kept trying to get away but stopped when I felt his chest vibrate from a chuckle...

"You look so cute when you're trying to escape from me"

"As soon as I get up from under you ogre, I'm gonna kick your ass!" I tried yelling but somehow it was kind of muffled because he was literally sleeping in my freakin body!

"Hmm...Well, that is something I'd like to see, kitten and also what did I tell you about your mouth hmm?"

Amusement swam in his eyes as smirked.
He thankfully shifted most of his weight from on top of me though he caged me using his elbows, our noses touching.
I started to thrash and try to kick him and hit his face.
The keyword is try...
I miserably failed as he put one of his knees between my legs and caging one of them with his other.

"So, what were you saying again kitten?" He kept taunting me.

"Let me go you asshole!"
No sooner had I said those words than he started to pamper me with kisses on my forehead, cheeks, nose, neck and lastly the corner of my lips.

"Why do you keep being a bad disobedient little pup?" He murmured while nibbling my earlobe.
"Because I don't want to be here, I want to be free." I weakly replied and kept bitting my lips to forbid the moans from being heard.

"But I'm your mate kitten, I would never do something you wouldn't like..." he said while kissing my jawline.

"You'll just be like him...Both of you are alpha's and I'm sure you will do the same thing...Torturing me..."

I only said that then I couldn't hold a moan any longer as he lightly bit my soft spot behind my ear.

"Who did what to you Lexi!" He darkly said and his eyes started to darken.

I closed my eyes and kept my mouth shut.

"Are you stupid Lexi?! He's gonna get mad now!"
Cara yelled in my head and retreated to the corner of my mind waiting for our mate's outburst.

"I'm gonna ask you only once. Who did what to you Lexi..."
His voice lower than before but I couldn't bring myself to open my mouth.

I think he took that as a sign that I won't answer and he went silent for a few minutes all I could hear in those agonisingly slow minutes was the loud sound of my fast beating heart...

I thought that he'd release me after he huffed but to my dismay, he put both of my wrists in one of his hands while the other snaked it's way to the hem of his shirt, slightly lifting it.

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