Chapter 26

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                                Alexia's POV

"I'll be going now. Remember, stay away from purple eyes." Mara instructed when she sat up from her squat, dusting off her dress from the dirt as she finished drawing a magical circle; leaving us here where it's safer than going head to head with her sister...At least that's what she said.

"You go now, the circle will disappear when I arrive at the other side. Take care while leaving this forest." She said, entering the circle and disappearing.

"Come on, we're leaving as she said. This forest is too dangerous." Landon said as he squeezed my hand, dragging me behind him. But I can't argue with him. The Dead man's forest is dangerous. It's doesn't belong to any pack. No werewolf likes entering it either; rogues, hunters as well as other creatures roam here freely. Very dangerous.

We kept walking beside Maxwell and Emma. When we heard a twig crack, we stopped. Landon and Maxwell taking fighting stances, almost suffocating us between them.

"Who's there!" Landon growled, extending his claws.

Rogues' scents came from every direction but there was also an odd smell. It was like Mara's but then again it smelled so odd. No way, was it Raven? But Mara said that her sister called for her. Was she tricking us? I knew we shouldn't have trusted her. Was all that she said lies and my father never did anything? But then again what she said about my parents' fights and what I could remember was true...

More twigs cracked; growls and snarls are loud as rogues slowly circled us, trapping us.

"I suggest you don't do anything rashly." A calm voice said.

The odd-smelled thing came from behind a tree. It was a tall male. Black hair and green eyes. Good. No purple eyes.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Maxwell snarled.

Almost amused, the man grinned at us.

"You pack of werewolves are so confident as usual, thinking everyone will give you answers and obey you. You have no choice but obey my commands yet you act like you own the place. May I remind you that this place is The dead man's forest and even if you are alphas, this isn't your territory to do or command what you want. No one will obey you!" He laughed as if he told us a joke. He waved his hand at the rogues around us.

He was right. Landon and Maxwell can't command them. That guy simply has the upper hand.

"And what do you want from us?" Landon said as he kept observing them.

"I want the four of you to come with me."

"We refuse."

The man stayed silent as the rogues snarled at us, one of them taking a step towards us. As its ears stood straight upwards, it bared its teeth at Landon; getting ready to attack him, sending him a clear message. Take what you said back.

"Back off!" The man glared at the rogue. It clearly ignored him as he jumped at Landon, attacking him.
I froze as I saw the rogue's teeth harshly sink in Landon's left bicep. The rest of the rogues started to take steps threateningly as blood started seeping from his injured bicep. He tried to snap his teeth down harder but let go with a loud snarl as Landon clawed his eye. When his dark eyes slightly turned to purple, his snarks turned to whimpers as he kept stumbling backwards, shaking his head violently till his body collapsed to the ground; completely still.

Blood. Memories from my old pack hit me. My body was shaking uncontrollably as my eyes stared at the blood. Everything became muted again like how it was when mum died saving me. Instead of hearing Emma's cries or the rogues' growls at that guy and us, I could hear that little girl's cries. That pack's screams and yelling. The flashback of my bloody little figure crying as I saw mum's massacred body...

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