Chapter 18

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                                       Shaurya quickly grabbed his phone to answer it. The momentary solace and hope that had filled Mehek's mind faded away quickly. She adorned a stoic expression while listening to his anxious rants. "Shruthi, relax.......Calm down........ Trust me, everything will be okay...I can't...Don't be stupid....Fine, I will come", she heard his desperate efforts to pacify Shruti. She balled her fists to control her anger but stayed still. After he promising Shruti to arrive quickly, he disconnected the call. He rushed to his room, forgetting Mehek as if she no longer existed. In few minutes he came down dressed, "Mehek, I am really sorry. I need to leave now but I will come back as soon as possible and explain it all. Hope you understand", he told her. She just nodded and kept quiet while he left in a hurry. Once alone, she screamed out loud to vent out her agony.

She sat silent, trying to make sense of the mess she always managed to land in. Hours passed away, but for Mehek it seemed like time has stalled to mock her gullibility. She had a hard time again to come in terms with fact that Shaurya went back to his lady love, Shruthi. She was unable to comprehend what Shaurya actually sought from her. May be he wanted to keep her as a mistress or she was just a charity case coz she is with his child? Either ways, it was humiliating and unfair. The courage and strength she had built seemed to have left her. Shaurya manage to disarm her defenses and wounded her severely. A slight movement in her belly reminded of her child. She held on to her flesh and wept. I cannot fail. I have to be strong and need to do it for my child. I won't lose myself in agony, she promised herself. Suddenly her phone buzzed, she saw the caller's name and attended it. "Ajay, I need to see you.....No, not here. Where can we meet?", she asked him quickly.

It was late afternoon. Shaurya was driving crazy fast to reach Mehek. He felt guilty of leaving her in the middle that too without proper explanation. But circumstances were not in his favour and he was forced. He already entered the town and was just few kms from the bungalow. Due to hunger and fatigue, his head was throbbing and he decided to take a brief coffee break. He stopped near a small coffee, near the town's inn. While he sipped the coffee and enjoyed a light snack, his eyes fell on the figures coming out of the inn. He saw Mehek and then Ajay who was just behind her. As he was distant from them, he couldn't hear them yet their body language conveyed him the bitter truth. Mehek smiled at him when Ajay tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. He gripped his cup forcefully when she hugged Ajay and bid farewell. Before Mehek could see him, Shaurya hid himself and grimaced in heart break.

Mehek was exhausted, both physically and mentally. Deliberately she took the long route to walk and reach home. She had made up her mind and acted on it. She felt obliged to none, especially to those who were treating her like a toy. She was at peace now . She slowly entered the bungalow and turned on the lights. She was startled to find Shaurya in the hall. She gathered herself and struggled to steady her breath. "Got scared??", he smirked, "You look as if caught with your hand inside the cookie jar". Mehek ignored his taunt and walked towards the kitchen. "Where were you?", he asked her but she didn't reply. He walked to her and grabbed her arm. In a moment, she was pulled against his hard chest. "I asked you a question, Mehek", he growled. "None of your business, Mr Khanna", she snapped at him. He left her but as she walked away, he snarled at her, "If you aren't ashamed to romance your lover, then you should show the courage to accept it too".

 "What did you say?", she stopped her track. "What pulls you to him? Just moments after I proposed, you just ran to his bed. Which desire of yours does he satiate that I can't?", his words were bitter. Mehek was aghast by his blame. She was angry but it was more saddened by her fate. "You know Shaurya, I thought you were a good man who got wounded by circumstances. But today you proved that you just a disgusting piece of sh*t", she yelled at him. "How dare you?", he pushed her to near by wall. Mehek whimpered under his powerful frame. "Shaurya, you are hurting me",she cried out. He loosened his grip but still kept her captive .

"How could you do this to me, Mehek?", he asked painfully, "Again and again, you choose to break my heart. How could you be so cold and numb?". Mehek looked into his eyes, trying hard to keep her emotions in check. She was not letting herself swayed by his deceiving charms anymore. "Life taught me to survive, Shaurya. And I am happy the way I am", she declared. Shaurya was amazed by her attitude and moved back. She didn't show an ounce of guilt or shame. He was shattered and wanted to give her back same pain. "My child cannot be left under the care of deceitful woman like you. You don't deserve to be a mother", his words shocked Mehek. "You shall live with me till your delivery. Once my child is born and safe in my care, you are free to live your life", he declared. "You cannot", Mehek was petrified yet stood tall. He didn't speak but his firm expression made it clear that his mind was made. "No....No...No, I won't let you. I have nothing else to live for ", she became hysteric. He wanted to calm her but was also satisfied that he gave back her in same coin. "You broke up with Ajay for some dubious reasons and then chose to have a relationship with me. Now you find him more enticing so breaking up with me. A vile woman like you don't deserve family and children", he insulted her loudly. "I am afraid you are mistaken, young man", an elderly voice interrupted  both of them.

"Pammi Aunty", Mehek gasped and quickly wiped her tears. She felt embarrassed and tried to be polite with the older woman. Shaurya was still trying to make sense of the new entry. "I am sorry for my rude interruption. But I couldn't help", Pammi apologized to Mehek and Shaurya. Before Mehek could approach her, she spoke again, "It was I who was solely responsible for breaking Ajay's engagement with Mehek. When I knew that Mehek couldn't bear me a grandchild, I forced them to separate". Shaurya's eyes widened with shock but he was unable to utter a word. Pammi walked towards Mehek and grabbed her palms. "I came here to beg you to leave me son. But you have proved worthy of Kanta's upbringing. When I met Ajay, he told me that you managed to convince him to forget past and give his marriage another chance. I am forever indebted to you". Another wave of shock passed through Shaurya as the two females bonding over tears. "God bless you my child", Pammi pecked her forehead and slowly exited but no before speaking to Shaurya, "Mehek deserves the best".

"Mehek", he whispered her name when she eventually found strength to walk away from him. She didn't turn. "My baby is a true blessing for me. A miracle. I will never let anyone take my child away from me. Not until I am alive", she told firmly although her voice was weak. "Mehek, I am sorry", he tried to apologized, "I never knew....". She showed him her palm, gesturing him to stop, "Save your pity". She was about to walk away but turned to face him. She looked tired and needed a closure from him, "Go back to your life, Shaurya. We don't need you". "But I need you", he wailed. "Shruthi needs you. You cannot deny that she is still your love. Don't trade her for me who is just a responsibility", her words pierced his conscience. He stood frozen, unable to gather proper words to explain himself. "I love you, Mehek. It was just you; always", he said softly but Mehek had already left him alone.

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