Chapter 20

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                                  "So that's it", Harish taunted her son, "you will just give up". Shaurya was annoyed by his father's untimely intrusion. His old man had ignored him for whole life until he ended being an absolutely wreck. So Shaurya wanted to be left alone and decided to clear him quickly. "You don't understand, Dad. She was suffering because of me. The best I could do for her is to leave her in peace", he grazed his fingers through his hair in frustration. His wanted Harish to leave him in peace as well. "She was suffering from your ill deeds. You need to correct it and mend yourself. Beg for her forgiveness and make her take you back. But as usual you just chose to runaway", his father was firm. Shaurya bit back the venomous words he wished to throw at his father. Last thing he needed was another hurtful confrontation. "She needed space, Dad. Mehek was very clear about it", Shaurya failed to make his father understand and sank into his chair. 

Harish finally got grip of the situation and remained mum for few minutes. Eventually he came beside his son and kept his hand on his shoulder to console him. "I understand her concern..... and yours too. She needs space but that doesn't mean you can abandon her. Don't let this separation bring more distance amidst you", he told wisely. "How? Tell me how can I solve this maze? I am totally lost", Shaurya groaned in pain. Few days without Mehek was already driving him crazy. "Call her", his father ordered. "What???", Shaurya was shocked, "Mehek will be blast me". "Then bear it. Yet call and talk to her. Not once or twice but many times. Call her maid, call her gynac and call anyone in her life to make sure she is doing fine. Make your presence be felt even if you are not physically with her", Harish advised him. Shaurya could see his point yet was apprehensive. "Son, trust me. Communication is the key. You need to take this step. If not for yourself but for your child and Mehek", Harish sighed and left Shaurya to ponder.

Mehek was sitting idle in her room. She didn't feel like doing anything. She felt lonely and sad. Although Manju gave her company and tried to make her happy, she wasn't successful. Despite her denial, she knew she missed Shaurya. While she tried catch up on her afternoon nap, her phone buzzed. Her heart leaped with excitement when she saw it was from Shaurya. She quickly grabbed the phone but waited for few seconds to steady her breath and answered plainly, "Hello". Shaurya was relieved that she took his call. "Hi Mehek. How are you?", he inquired. Blame it on mood swings, her temper rose, "It took you couple of days to check about my welfare". It pricked him that she was still angry. He recalled his father's advice and was about to apologize when she spoke again, "You would have called earlier, if you really cared". 'Does it mean she is not upset to hear from me ?", his heart fluttered with joy yet he didn't keep his hopes high. "Mehek, I'm sorry for not calling. I thought you will be upset if I intrude". "Why would it be intrusion ? I made it clear that you can be part of your child's future", she raised her voice. "I am really sorry Mehek. I couldn't understand that you were expecting my call", he apologized. "I never expected YOUR CALL", she shouted at him. 

She pushed him into dilemma. Mehek herself couldn't decode her state. "Look Shaurya, I am in a difficult state of mind. Sorry I shouted at you", she apologized, "tell me why did you call?", she wanted to be done with him. 'Be patient. Take it slow', he calmed himself. "How are you, Mehek? How is the baby? ", he asked timidly. The next few minutes passed away normally sans unpleasantness. They talked amicably and Mehek seemed to less annoyed by his company. Before ending the call, he asked her playfully, "Did she kick you often?". "At times, slight movements are felt. But nothing like what we felt that night", she laughed but suddenly became concerned, "Hope she is fine". He wanted to comfort her and hide her in his arms. She needed his entire support but was alone and helpless. He felt guilty. Still he tried his best to cheer her, "May be she misses her father". Mehek laughed softly, "May be, she does". 'And I miss you too', she told to herself.

"Hi Mehek, how are you?", Happy Chachi's voiced cheered her. "I am fine, Chachi. Your visit is a surprise", Mehek told her honestly. Though she missed her, she didn't want to impose herself on Chachi's good nature. Afterall Chachi is a busy gynac and Mehek felt bad to disturb her. "Well, I came to check on my grandniece", she chirruped to Mehek's belly. Harpreet chatted with her and discreetly conducted a quick check-up. "everything looks good, my dear", she gave her verdict. "Thanks Chachi. Actually I was a bit worried", Mehek shared her concern. "It's normal, Mehek. Over the time, the baby's movement will become more prominent", she consoled Mehek. She rebuked Mehek for not reaching out to her when she was so worried about the baby. "Eventhough I didn't tell you, you were able to come to me. Universe led you to me. We are bound with strings of heart", Mehek told her emotionally. "Ofcourse, my dear", Harpreet embraced her with motherly affection. They chatted for some more time and finally it was time for Happy Chachi to leave. But before she entered her car, she turned to Mehek, "It wasn't coincidence that I arrived here". 

Mehek knitted her brows in confusion. "Shaurya called me. He was really anxious about you". Mehek was glad to know about his concern nevertheless got angry on his intrusion. Sensing her temper, Happy chachi advised, "Calm down, Mehek. He is as concerned as you are for the baby. Don't be so hard on him". Once she left, Mehek came back to her room and started considering her situation. Manju knocked breaking train of her thoughts. "Mehekji, have this milk". "Did your Sir asked you to over feed me?", Mehek joked. Manju blushed as if she was caught red handed. Although Mehek humoured, she understood immediately that Shaurya had instructed Manju to keep her on healthy diet. She didn't know whether to feel happy or irritated by Shaurya. She took the glass and gulped the content in one go before dismissing Manju.

It was evening and Harish was sitting in his library. Although not interesting, he browsed through the big book on his lap. "Dad", Shaurya rushed into his space. He was excited like a school boy who just got rewarded. Harish smiled but remained seated as his son sat beside. "Dad, it is working", Shaurya said gleefully, "I mean she wasn't pleased. She even scolded me for interfering but somehow I feel....I feel that...". "She is happy", Harish finished it for him. "Yeah...I don't how to explain it", he sounded like a clueless boy. "No need, Son", Harish touched his shoulder. They looked at eachother briefly and Harish looked away pretending to read. "May be it's what we too need. A tête-à-tête. Don't you think Dad?", Shaurya's words surprised Harish, "It's been long since we had a long conversation". Harish didn't respond but it was evident that he was pleased. "Shall I pour you a drink, Dad?", Shauyra offered while moving to the decanter kept in the library. "Sure, Son", his voice beamed with joy.

Few weeks later. 

Mehek looked at the clock in anticipation. It was stupid to glance at it again and again. Probably ten more minutes and it will be her turn. She looked around the waiting room. Few familiar faces and some new ones. But all of them had company, either husband or mother or friend. The lady next to her whom she hadn't seen before tried to chat with her. She explained that it was her second baby and how difficult it was to manage work & home. Mehek gave an understanding smile at her. "I believe you are waiting for your husband. If you don't mind can I go next? In that way, your husband will be able to join on time too", she politely requested. It was true that Mehek felt unhappy to go alone for her ultrasound scans. Happy Chachi's clinic and staff were familiar for her yet the feelings of loneliness crept into her. Since the time Shaurya had left her on her insistence, they have been on amicable terms. Eventhough she hated to admit, Shaurya had been trying his best to appease her. Despite her wish for his company, she was skeptical to ask him . But when he expressed his wish to join her, she was unsure and couldn't be affirmative. Then the next few hours, she had multiple calls Sharuya to convince her. After a while of begging and coaxing, he managed to make her concede. Yet she made it clear that even if he is a minute delayed, she won't allow him to tag along. Yet today when it was her turn she was unable to move forward. She smiled back at the lady, "Ofcourse, you can take my turn". 'I just did a favour for her. I am not expecting him to arrive',she made herself understand yet glanced at the door frequently.

Eventually she lost her patience and hope. 'He is not going to make it', she told herself and stood up for her turn. "Mehek", she turned hearing his gentle voice. She felt glad yet angry at him, "You are late". "I am sorry", he apologised. She haughtily walked with him in tow. "Hello Mehek", Happy Chachi came beside her once they entered the room, "It's so good to see you, Shaurya", she turned to him and greeted him. Mehek rolled her eyes being disinterested. "Are you okay, Shaurya? You look a bit pale", Happy Chachi asked him but he just smiled. Mehek got vexed and took hospital gown from the nurse. As she was about to move to the changing room, a thud sound startled her. She turned and screamed looking at Shaurya who had fallen unconscious on ground.

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