Chapter 26 - Last Chapter

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                     "He is so cute, isn't he?", Shaurya asked Mehek while cradling their son. She nodded and watched them affectionately. It's been few days since her delivery and Shaurya was hands on when it came to their son. He never let down a single opportunity to take care of him. Shaurya absolutely adored him that even made Mehek jealous. "He looks a lot like me, doesn't he?", he asked again. Mehek sighed. It was obvious that their son is a carbon copy of Shaurya. The mole over his lips, his fine nose and his naughty eyes were pure evidence of it. She loved it all, still it started to annoy her when Shaurya constantly gloated over it. She pouted and turned away her face in anger. "Oh, Mamma is angry", he chuckled, "Let's calm her down". As if on cue, their son made the cutest sound and Mehek looked at them in surprise. "He is already in your team", she complained. "Don't be mean, Mehek. He is clearly a Mamma's boy", Shaurya humoured her. 

Abruptly baby started to cry and Shaurya forwarded him to Mehek, "I think he is hungry". Mehek rolled her eyes and took him in to feed. Shauyra caressed his soft head lovingly when he fed from his mother's breast. Soon his gaze fell on Mehek and he pecked her forehead, "Are you happy, Mehek? I know you always wanted a girl ". "What non-sense, Shaurya? I could ask the same to you but did I?", she rebuked him sharply, "It is true that I wished for a daughter but it's unfair to assume that I am not pleased to have my son". She held on to her baby possessively. Shaurya understood that he was worrying unnecessarily. "I am sorry", he pulled his ears to apologize. Mehek shook her head in disappointment and turned away holding their son. Yet Shaurya grinned as he knew she cannot stay mad at him for long.

"May I come in?", they heard Nehal's voice when Shaurya was placing his sleeping son in the crib. He quickly shushed her and gestured her to come in quietly. She hugged Mehek and inquired about her health in very low voice. "Don't mind him. He is just paranoid. Please talk normally", Mehek told Nehal and glared at Shaurya. "I am leaving to London tonight", Nehal told them. Shaurya side hugged her, "Doll, you are like a sister to me.Regardless of anything that happens in future, it won't change". Mehek nodded in agreement and spoke, "Besides , your nephew too needs his Aunt". Nehel was almost in tears.

"Goodmorning, Everyone", Dr Harpreet entered their room for her routine rounds. She checked Mehek and the baby. "Everything looks fine. I think you can be discharged tomorrow", she informed them. "Have you decided a name?", she asked them playfully. "We are working on it", Shaurya shared it timidly while Harpreet laughed out loud. "I hinted it many times but you both never paid any heed to it", she made fun of them once again before leaving to check her next patient.

Shaurya sat beside and pulled Mehek's cheeks playfully. "Think my Love, think. We have to name our son soon", he teased her. Mehek knocked his head playfully and turned her attention to Nehal. She was standing beside the crib. Her entire focus was on their little one and her face reflected her affection. "Nehal", Mehek called her, "Can you suggest a name for him?". She was taken aback but soon grinned. "Actually, I have a name. Hope you will like it". Both parents looked at her attentively and Nehal took a breath before announcing the name, "VEER".


Mehek was moving around with her assistant and checking the arrangement made of Veer's birthday party. Eventhough she preferred to keep her son's life as private, being heir of Khanna family had its disadvantages. Harish Khanna had retired and spent most of the time with his grandson. He doted on Veer and so every year, his birthday party will be a huge event.  Mehek looked around , satisfied with the arrangements. Past 5 years have been eventful for Mehek. She & Sonal reopened their bakery and it became popular in short time. They now owned a successful chain of cake shops across the country. Besides their business, Mehek got chance to judge a reality show based on cooking. Soon she became famous and now has her own television show. In short, she became a celebrity chef. Mehek beamed with pride on her achievements. Although she came to limelight after being with Shaurya, she could earnestly boast that she became successful on her own effort. Shaurya respected her decision and never tried to manipulate her career. She knew she was fortunate to have an understanding partner like him.

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