Craig X Tweek please forgive me~

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Henlo peeps. Ok so this is part two of the last one. I felt bad because I love this ship and I sank it so I'm gonna swim down and retrieve it. Anyway here ya go.

Craig POV:   I looked out the window only to see Tweek looking at me back. Tears falling down his cheeks as he ran. I realized what happened and ran out of the house while Clyde was asleep.

When I was out the door I grabbed my phone and called Tweek in hopes he would answer. It took a few rings but he did.

"W-what do you w-want c-Craig?"
"Please Tweek let me explain. I'm sorry about what happened. I love you Tweek."
"Is that s-supposed to make me feel better after what I just saw?"
"No. Look I wouldn't have done it if I had the choice. I didn't want to like it. He took," I started to cry at the painful truth. "He took my virginity Tweek." I could hear him gasp.
"Craig... i-I'm so sorry. C-can you c-come over please?"
"Yes." I started running. Even though my ass hurt like a bitch.

Time skip because of ice cream ;3

Tweek POV:  I was sitting on my couch waiting for Craig. I wasn't sure if he was going to come or not after what he told me. I'm sure he can't move very well and I can't stop debating If I should pick him up. But something else was also clouding my mind. Clyde.

I knew he liked Craig but I never thought he would do something like this. Especially if he truly loved Craig. Just then I was kicked out of my thoughts to a knock at the door. I got up and answered it. "Hello?" It was Craig. Tears were streaming down his face rapidly and I could tell he couldn't move another step without falling face first.

I leaned him against my body so he could get into the house easier. Once I sat him on the couch he seemed a bit more relaxed and calm even though I knew he was still in pain. I got up to get him something to ease it but he simply just grabbed my arm and pulled me twords him.

"Please Tweek. Don't leave me. Not again." I started to tear up at his words. I walked back and ever so gently sat on his lap to sooth him.

"I-I'm not g-going anywhere ba-aby." He looked up at me as the tears slowly stopped. He pulled my face close to his and gently yet passionately kissed me. I of coarse kisses back. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I did mine around his neck.

Next thing I knew my body was slowly being tilted to lay on the couch instead of sitting on him. He started to kiss down my jaw and neck. He kept searching until he found that sweet sensitive spot on my neck. I couldn't help but softly moan at the warm sensations of his mouth. Doing this earned me a smirk from him as he bit down hard.

"A-agh c-Craig~" he slid his hands up my shirt as he licked his bite and started teasing my heated buds. I slowly became a panting moaning mess. I then felt Craig massage my member with his knee making me harder. "P-please Craig ~ngh~ stop t-teasing." And that's when I saw a light go off in his eyes...

Henlo peeps. AHHH I know this sucks but I can't think right so I'm gonna leave in a cliff hanger for now. I'm very very sorry peeps. I'll try and post the second half soon.

                                           Love lemon
(631 words) 😖😔🥺

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