Craig x Kenny So this is it huh...

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Here it is! My last woop! Some of this story is years old, some is new! Please enjoy!

⚠️ Suicide Mention ⚠️
Kenny POV: On the bus with three jack asses trying not to die. The description of my life. Oh yeah, and not to mention this cute ass boy who sits in the back with his "boyfriend." So fucking annoying to look back and know that shitty twink probably gets it in the ass. No offense to twink, I mean Tweek, but Craig still hasn't told him about that day we played the stick of truth.

I could probably put money on the fact that he still thinks of it. Hmm I bet I could do some damage to make it so Craig will be mine. As I got out of my train of thought I realized that the bus had stopped at our school. I got up with my back pack and cautiously headed out the bus. The two "love birds" were still behind me, and I couldn't help but want to gag.

The rest of the day was pretty normal. School work, watching Mr. garrison being gay for Mr. hat and subconsciously staring at Craig. Damn, it's hard to admit that I actually had feelings for him. Yeah the sex was good, but maybe something more would be better.

As lunch came around I walked over to Tweek trying to go unnoticed. My hoodie made it hard for me to talk but most people understood. "Oh t-that's a lot of p-pressure Gha! B-but sure we can go t-talk." I grabbed his hand and started walking as I softly rolled my eyes. I took him to the back of the Lunch room.

"W-what do you mean h-he Gwa! S-slept with you!?" I smirked softly and leaned down into his ear. "Yeah, and he said I was tighter than your whore ass." Tweek then ran out of the lunch room crying like a little bitch. I couldn't help but laugh as I walked back to my lunch table.

After about 15 minutes I felt my hood get pulled off and start to get dragged. "Hey what the hell!" I was dragged all the way outside the lunch room and pinned against the wall. "Seriously what the h- craig? What's your deal?!"

"Oh you know you two faced whore!" My eyes widened at the name. I had grown used to it, but not by him. "Why in the hell would you tell Tweek what happened with the stick of truth?! What happened was a mistake!! I should have never done that!! Tweek means the world to me and your just a one time side piece like you have always been! No one could ever love a slut like you Kenny!"

My eyes were pouring tears. I collapsed to the ground and hugged my knees tight to my chest. I then heard Craig's footsteps leave. A side piece? A one time thing? Did I really mean nothing to him?

I got up and started to walk home. I didn't even bother with finishing up school. I walked into my room and laid down on my makeshift mattress and looked up at the ceiling. There was only one thing I wanted to do which was rare for me to WANT it.

I went to my closet and grabbed a small show box. In it was an old revolver that my grandpa had. I grabbed it and made sure I had all 9 rounds. I put it to my head and took a deep breath before pulling the trigger. I felt the dark go over my body as I took my last breath.

Then I woke up. The next morning I was fine. That's how it always ended up. I grabbed my stuff to head to the bus stop but then just dropped it and curled back up into bed. I didn't want to see everyone. I didn't want to see him.

The day continued a lot like that. Me just curled up in my bed. Then I heard my door open. "Mom go away. I'm not hungry."

"Sorry to disappoint but I'm not your mom." My eyes widened as I recognized the voice. I guess he hadn't gotten the hint that I was avoiding him. Besides, he didn't care about me, he made that very obvious yesterday. God I'm such a fucking idiot. "Get out. I don't want you here."

Craig's foot steps then made there way towards my bed. I shot up and looked at him. "I said go away! I don't want you in my house so fuck off!" He stopped walking towards me. I lifted my hand up to my cheek and realized I was crying. I laid back down and faced the wall.

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