3. Outrunning the past

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I hadn't texted or called any of my friends, besides Sian, since I returned home and I was starting to wonder if that was a mistake. Any awkward encounters could have easily been avoided if I had left her to it.

But I was a master at putting things on the back burner, and no amount of shame would break through this stubbornness that kept me from texting them any faster.

After helping my mother all morning with menial tasks, my body longed for a run.

I stripped out of my day clothes, throwing them on the chair in the corner of my room, and pulled on a pair of navy cropped leggings and a pale blue sports bra.

Taking the stairs two at a time, I headed to the front door, only stopping to put my trainers on and tie my long, thick hair into a high ponytail.

The heat from the sun was sweltering, and I regretted my choice of a lay-in over early morning exercise.

It was a myth that England was dreary all year round. A hot spell in summer could get quite suffocating, especially when you're not used to it. And despite having lived in the South of France, I still wasn't a fan of the weather.

Give me autumn days and thick knit jumpers any time. There was something so beautiful about crisp mornings and gusts of wind swirling yellow, orange and red hues across the countryside from the fallen leaves.

Being three pm on a Thursday, I wasn't expecting to bump into anyone with most people at work or still at school. Those off for the summer from Uni were far and few between and no doubt in one of the livelier, neighbouring towns.

Finding my favourite indie rock playlist on my phone, I popped my earphones in and set off for a quick five miles before everyone started heading home for the day.


A mile away from being back at my house, a black Ford Fiesta drove past, came to a halt, then reversed until it was beside me.

I knew who it was before I even glanced up. I stopped dead in my tracks and pulled my earphones out.

My heart felt close to jumping out of my chest and I couldn't catch my breath. It wasn't the time to appear flustered. I needed to seem unfazed. After all, I planned on confronting him at some stage so fate was helping me out.

Sure enough, as I peeked at the person trying to get my attention, I saw him sitting there looking ever so certain of himself.

"Hello, Max!" I said, sounding calm while feeling anything but.

The first person I had to bump into was the one and only ladies' man, Max Reed. What were the chances!

My heart beat faster as I took in my favourite features. I had fantasised about that moment for nearly a year, but I definitely wasn't a hot mess in my dreams.

His dirty blond hair was still as unruly. Picturing myself running my hands through it, I ached to get closer. I could only catch a glimpse of his torso while he was in his car, but it was not hard to tell that he stayed in shape and had a lovely tan from working outside.

"Well hello, little Nat-Nat! I see the year travelling has treated you well. Looking very fit." His eyes raked all over my body, lingering on my chest for longer than necessary before he gave me one of his knee-weakening smiles.

Yep! I was doomed. The redness in my cheeks from running deepened as heat spread up my neck.

He flicked a stray blond curl out off his forehead. "Is this a quick visit or have you decided to stay? I missed you." He gave me a small pout before winking at me.

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