23. Waking up slow

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Alec's chest pressed against my back, his arm clamped around my waist and his legs intertwined with mine. Carefully peeling him off, I slipped out of bed so I could use the bathroom and caught my feet in a pile of clothes on the floor.

The air in the room was stifling. Alec must have felt it too and stripped down to his boxers in the night. I lifted the duvet ever so slowly, and tilting my head to the side, admired every ridge, curve and dip of his toned chest, stomach and legs. His plump lips were slightly parted, and his long thick eyelashes fanned out on his relaxed face. I contemplated climbing back into the comfort of his arms so I could trace each one with my finger and feel his full lips on my skin.

Alec groaned in his sleep. I dropped the duvet and fled to the bathroom. When finished in there, I popped my head round the side of the curtain to check the weather. The rain had stopped, and we were back to a morning with bright blue skies and blistering heat. Sunday's downpour had done little to cool the air.

In my haste, I hadn't forgotten to pack my sports bra or some cycling shorts. I did, however, forget to take some comfortable running shoes. I changed and crept into the farmhouse and up into Chloe's room. Maybe I would get lucky and she wore the same shoe size as me or at least only half a size out. I doubt Mrs Hart even owned trainers, so there was no use looking for a pair from her. If my search failed, I would have to resort to wearing my converse and put up with blisters for the next couple of days.

I needed to run, and my shoes were the least of my problems.

Luckily for me, Chloe had a pair of size five, pink Nikes neatly tucked in the bottom of her cupboard which she wouldn't miss while still camping.

I tiptoed down the stairs and set off for a much-needed run to clear my head.

An hour later, panting and covered in a thin layer of sweat, I returned to the annexe.

A shirtless Alec leant against the closed fridge, downing a glass of orange juice. I watched his Adam's apple bob up and down with each gulp, and I wanted nothing more than to run my hands over his pecs and kiss up from his collarbone to his ear lobe.

Flustered, I caught the tip of my trainer on the doormat and stumbled into the room. I would have landed on my knees but at the last second, grabbed for the door frame and awkwardly did a half fall to the side.

Alec slammed his glass down and sprinted to help me up. "What was that?" he laughed.

"Jelly legs from running." I brushed my thighs with the palms of my hands and took a few steps away from Alec. I needed a cold shower and fast.

Alec strolled back to the fridge and poured another glass of juice that he handed over. "Why didn't you wake me? I would've run with you."

His tousled dark hair and the way he smiled as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes made my belly do somersaults. I was going to kiss him today. I didn't know when, but it wouldn't be while I was sticky and stinking from my morning exercise.

"You looked so peaceful, I didn't have the heart to wake you up." I cast my eyes towards the stairs. "I'm-, I'm going to jump in the shower." Gulping my drink, I peered over the rim of the glass to get one more glimpse of him.

He nodded. "Meet me in the house. I'll get breakfast ready."

After my shower, I joined him in the farmhouse's kitchen. Concentrating on her colouring-in, Lily sat at the breakfast bar. She furiously scribbled a green crayon on the bottom of a piece of paper.

I walked up to her, placed my hand on her chair and admired her work.

Lily lifted her head. "Do you like it? Need to add animals. It's a zoo!" Next, she picked up a pink crayon and pressed it hard into the paper and repeatedly circled it round until she had a sphere with two pointy ears and a squiggly tail.

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